!!Adam Ledgeway - Curriculum Vitae
__Education:__ 1993-96, PhD Manchester. 1992-93, MA (distinction), Manchester. 1988-92, BA Hons (1st), Salford.\\
__Academic/Research Leadership, Public Service, Awards__
2011-14, 2019-22: REF sub-panel member; 2017-: Fellow, British Academy; 2016: Honorary doctorate, Bucharest; 2015-19: Chair, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, Cambridge; 2015-16: Panel member, Italian Research Assessment Exercise; 2013-16: ‘Conseiller délegué’, Société de linguistique romane; 2013-14: Visiting professor, Venice; 2012: Honorary member of Institutul de Lingvistică, Bucharest; 2004, 2007-11: Head Italian Dept., Cambridge; 2004-06: Executive member UCML; 2001-06, 2012-15: Council member The Philological Society of Great Britain.\\
__Peer review:__ Reviewer for journals (e.g. Diachronica, Folia Linguistica, Linguistic Inquiry, Probus), academic publishers (e.g. Benjamins, CUP, OUP), research councils (e.g. ANSF, AHRC, EFG, ESF FWO), promotion/tenure committees (e.g. Barcelona, Cambridge, New York), and conferences (DiGS, Going Romance, ICHL, SLE).\\
__Editorships:__ Co-editor of 2 international journals (The Italianist 2003-16, Journal of Linguistics 2021–), 3 book series (Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics, OUP 2010-, The Oxford Guides to the World’s Languages, OUP 2012-); member of (advisory) editorial board of 5 book series and 24 international journals.\\
__Consultancy:__ Member of scientific board of 10 international research projects since 2000.\\
__PhD supervision:__ 24 doctoral students since 1999.\\
__Visiting lecturing:__ Numerous universities for BA, MA, PhD programmes (Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, UK).\\
__External examining:__ Numerous universities for MA, MPhil, MSt, PhD programmes (Australia, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, UK).\\
__Conference (co-)organisation:__ 19 international conferences since 2006. Co-organiser (since 2012) of annual Romance Linguistics Seminar (Cambridge); Co-founder of the annual Cambridge Italian Dialect Morphology-Syntax Meeting (2006–) \\
__Research funding:__ 1 major Leverhulme project (2015 - 2019), 3 Marie Curie projects (2005-17), 1 AHRC research leave (2006), 1 Research Fellowship (Downing College, 1996 - 1999).\\
__Invited talks:__ 207 invited research talks and keynote addresses.\\
__Publications:__ 6 monographs (+ 3 in prep.), 19 edited volumes (+ 4 in prep.), 81 book chapters (+ 11 in press, 4 in prep.), 43 journal articles (+ 2 in press, 6 in prep.).

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