!!Xavier Le Roux - Curriculum Vitae
[Full CV|http://www.researchgate.net/profile/X_Roux?ev=hdr_xprf]\\
__Born:__ Oct. 1967\\
__Number of peer-reviewed articles in international journals:__ over 150\\
__h factor:__  56 (WoS) or 68 (GoogleScholar)  ;  >11,000 citations (WoS) or >17,100 citations (GoogleScholar)\\
*Scientific Director of the national programme 'PEPR SOLU-BIOD' on Nature-based Solutions (44.2 Mio€)
*Director of the Research Federation on Environmental Sciences BioEEnViS of Lyon-Saint Etienne (17 laboratories gathering over 1300 researchers, technicians, post docs and PhDs)  ==> __Visit [http://bioenvis.universite-lyon.fr]\\
*Deputy Director of the Microbial Ecology Centre of Lyon-Villeurbanne ==> __Visit  [http://www.ecologiemicrobiennelyon.fr/spip.php?rubrique31]\\
*Study of the response of microbial diversity and functioning to global change factors, and of the relationships between microbial biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and services ==> __Visit__  [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/X_Roux?ev=hdr_xprf]\\
__Roles in science programming and evaluation (international & national):__
*Key role in the development of the European Research Area on biodiversity and ecosystem services as Chair & Coordinator of the 'BiodivERsA Partnership' European network (2008-2022) ==> __Visit  [http://www.biodiversa.org]\\
*Member of several scientific boards at the national/international level, including the committee «Environment and biological resources» of ANR (2008-2017), an evaluation panel for the European Commission H2020 programme (2019), the scientific board of the biodiversity programme of NWO - The Netherlands (2010), two scientific evaluation panels for Centres of Excellence for AEI (Spain)(2019 & 2020), two panels for the NWO program on large research infrastructures (2017-18 & 2019-20), an evaluation panel for the Romanian UEFISCDI (2021-22), two evaluation panels for the Portugese FCT (2021 & 2022).
*Member of the  'Biodiversity' committee of the French AllEnvi (2010-15) and the French committee for global change research CNFCG (2011-)\\
*External evaluator for scientific proposals at national and international levels (SNSF (Switzerland), AEI/MINECO (Spain), NWO (Netherlands), FWF (Austria), Nat. Sci. Eng. Res. Council (Canada), USA-Israel BARD programme, Czech Science Foundation, ESF (Europe), ANR and IFB (France))\\
*Member of the Development Team of the Natural Assets Knowledge-Action Network of Future Earth (2017-)\\
*Member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Board for LifeWatch ERIC (2019-2022)\\
*Development of links between biodiversity scientists and stakeholders as Director of FRB (2008-2012), a foundation set up in 2008 to bring together public research bodies, the corporate sector involved in biodiversity management, environmental organizations, and business\\ ==> __Visit__  [http://www.fondationbiodiversite.fr]\\
*Academic Editor of PeerJ since 2018 (https://peerj.com/XLeRoux/)\\
__European projects over the last 10 years:__
* 5 European projects as coordinator (including BiodivERsA3 - 2015-2022 ; and BiodivScen - 2017-2023)\\
* 3 European projects as participant (ongoing: H2020 project REST-COAST 2021-2026)\\
__Training to research:__
Supervision of 16 Masters, 13 PhD, and 9 Postdoctoral fellows
\\ \\
*Lead author for one of the chapters of the IPBES assessment for Europe and Central Asia (2015-)  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330514117_Status_trends_and_future_dynamics_of_biodiversity_and_ecosystems_underpinning_nature's_contributions_to_people\\
*Scientific leader of a national scientific expertise on ‘Agriculture and biodiversity’: Le Roux X. et al. (Eds) 2008. Agriculture and biodiversity: promoting synergies. QUAE, 75 pp  ==> __Have a look at__ [http://institut.inra.fr/en/Missions/Inform-public-decision-making/Scientific-Expert-Reports/All-the-news/Agriculture-and-Biodiversity]\\
*2 books co-edited (2006-Springer; 2012-Quae)\\
*Participation to 4 scientific movies