!!!Guy Laroque
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*Since 2011 Professor, Sciences-Po
*Since 2006 Professor, University College
*Since 2006 Research Fellow of the Institute for Fiscal Studies
*2001 - 2011 Head of Laboratoire de Macroeconomie, CREST, INSEE
*1992 - 2004 Professeur, Ecole Polytechnique
*1996 - 2001 Head of Direction des Etudes et Syntheses Economiques, INSEE
*1994 - 1996 Head of Departement de la Recherche, INSEE
*1986 - 1994 Member of Unite de Recherche, INSEE 
*1984 - 1992 Maitre de conferences, Ecole Polytechnique
*1985 - 1986 Visiting professor, New York University and Princeton University
*1982 - 1985 Head of the division of Quarterly National Accounts, INSEE
*1979 - 1982 Dean of Studies (Economics), ENSAE
*1976 - 1979 Member of Unite de Recherche, INSEE
*1975 - 1976 Visiting research fellow Harvard University
*1973 - 1975 Responsible for the building of the French quarterly national accounts
*1970 - 1973 Assistant professor ENSAE
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2004 Prix de l’Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques for the book Institutions et emploi
*Richard Stone award for the best paper published in the Journal of Applied Econometrics in 2002-2003
*1998 Biwako lecture, Kyoto
*1995 Walras Bowley lecture, Tokyo
*1994 Harry Johnson lecture, Exeter
*1991 Pareto lecture, Bilbao 

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Laroque_Guy/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Laroque_Guy/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Laroque_Guy/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Laroque_Guy/OtherInformation]

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