!!Joachim Kurtz - Curriculum Vitae
[Full CV|https://www.zo.uni-heidelberg.de/sinologie/institute/staff/kurtz/cv.html]\\
Joachim Kurtz has received numerous research and conference grants (HERA, Thyssen Foundation, DFG, DAAD etc) and (co-) organized several international and interdisciplinary conferences and workshops  \\
2003 Dr. phil. (Chinese Studies), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg\\
1997 M.A. (Chinese Studies, Political Sciences and Philosophy), Freie Universität Berlin\\
Memberships: Association for Asian Studies, European Association of Chinese Studies, History of Science Society, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde\\
__Recent Grants (Selection):__\\
Research grant (Project Leader) “East Asian Uses of the European Past: Tracing Braided Chronotypes,” Heidelberg University (2016–2019) (EU/HERA)\\
Research grant (Co-PI) “Cluster of Excellence ‘Asia and Europe in a Global Context: The Dynamics of Transculturality’,” Heidelberg University (2012–2017) (DFG/WR)\\
Research grant (PI) “Toward a Global History of Concepts,” (2012–2015) (DFG)\\
Research grant (PI) “Standards of Validity in Imperial Chinese Discourses,” Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” Heidelberg University (2012–2015) (DFG)\\ \\