!!Teija Kujala - Curriculum Vitae
__Academic degrees:__
*MA (Psychology), University of Helsinki (UH), 17 December 1991\\
*PhD (Psychology), UH, 11 March 1997\\
*Title of Docent: Docent of Cognitive Neuroscience, UH, 4 March 2002
*Shared Directorship of Cognitive Brain Research Unit, Dept. Psychology, UH, 2012\\
*Chair of Cognitive Brain Laboratory (HiLIFE infrastructure platform, UH), 2017\\
__Major grants since 2010:__ >3 500 000 €\\
*Post-doctoral scientists: 8\\
*Completed doctoral theses supervised: 14\\
*Current PhD thesis supervision: 8\\
__Other scientific and academic merits:__
*PhD dissertation opponent: 7 times \\
*Pre-examiner of PhD theses: 12 times\\
*Assessments of applicants to Professor positions: 15\\
__Docentship/habilitation assessments:__ 11\\
Peer reviews of applications for several research funding agencies, including Medical Research Council and Economic & Social Research Council (United Kingdom), The Israel Science Foundation Economic & Social Research Council, The National Science Foundation (USA), and European Research Council\\
Leaderships and memberships in several review and steering groups, including leadership of a panel assessing Center of Excellence applications to Research Council of Norway (2011) and membership of the Scientific Advisory Board of Cognition, Communication, and Learning research centre at Lund University, Lund, Sweden: 2012-2019\\
Membership in committees of around 20 congresses\\
Reviewer for around 50 scientific journals \\
__Invited presentations in international congresses:__ 23\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit tkujala}][{ALLOW upload tkujala}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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