!!Peter Kruschwitz - Curriculum Vitae
*1999 PhD (Freie Universität Berlin)\\
*1997 MA phil. (Freie Universität Berlin)
*2007 University of Reading (senior roles only)\\
*2019 Member of Senate\\
*2018 Department of Classics: Unit of Assessment Lead, Acting Research Division Leader\\
*2018 Department of Classics: Senior Tutor\\
*2016 - 2007 Department of Classics: Head of Department\\
*2015 - 2007 Department of Classics: Research Division Leader\\
*2013 - 2004 Department of Classics: Director of Research\\
*2010 - 2018 Member of Senate\\
*2010 - 2013 Department of Classics: Head of Department\\
*2008 - 2010 School of Humanities: School Director of Teaching and Learning\\
*1997 - 2007 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften\\
*2003 - 2005 Representative of Research Staff on the Kommission Altertum of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften\\
*2019 European Research Council Advanced Grant [[5 years, value: €2,000,529, fEC funding]]\\
*2018 Successful Co-Applicant for a British Academy Visiting Fellowship for Dr María Limón (Seville) [[value: £27,000]\\
*2014 - 2005 British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship [[value: £131,809; fEC funding]\\
*2011 British Academy Small Research Grant for project ‘Fake Latin’ [[value: £4,719]\\
*2005 - 2007 Emmy Noether scholarship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), spent at the University of Oxford [[comparable to a junior research fellowship; value: € 64,000]\\
 2005 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Conference Funding ‘Terentius Poeta’ (co-organised with Prof. W. W. Ehlers and Dr F. Felgentreu) [[value: €7,000]
*5 supervisions completed successfully; 2 ongoing
*Member of the Consejo asesor of the Spanish journal Habis (Sevilla)\\
*Member of the editorial board of Bryn Mawr Classical Review\\
*Member of the Equipo editorial of the Athenaica series (Filología Clásica)\\
*External examiner for PhD theses at universities in the UK, Spain, Finland, and Switzerland\\ \\