!!Anne Jacob Kox - Biography
Anne J. Kox started his career as a theoretical physicist with a prize-winning dissertation on covariant kinetic gas theory (1976). After a brief excursion in biophysics (a study of lipid monolayers leading to a publication in Nature) he shifted to the field of History of Science, in particular the history of modern physics. As Professor of the History of Science at the University of Amsterdam he has worked and published on Albert Einstein and on physics in the Netherlands, with a special emphasis on Hendrik Antoon Lorentz. Currently Kox is editing the correspondence of H.A. Lorentz and he is writing the biography of this most prominent Dutch physicist. For the past 31 years Kox has been one of the Editors of the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein (since 2000 at the California Institute of Technology, where Kox holds a visiting appointment).