!!Sandrine Kott - Biography
Sandrine Kott is professor of European contemporary history at the University of Geneva. She has studied History in Paris (Phd in 1990, habilitation in 2001), the university of Bielefeld, (FRG), and Columbia (New-York). She has taught history as an assistant professor at the university of Poitiers and been awarded junior fellow at the Institut universitaire de France (1997-2002). She is a member of the editorial board of the following journals: Genèses, sciences sociales et histoire and Journal of Modern European History. She is the editor of a series (12 volumes published) : “Europes centrales” by the “editions Belin”, Paris. 
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She has been invited professor at the university of Santa Barbara (California) and the  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Internationales Geisteswissenschaftliches Kolleg (Arbeit und Lebenslauf in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive).
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Her principal fields of expertise are the history of social welfare and labor law in France and Germany since the end of the nineteenth century and labor relations in those countries of real socialism, in particular in the German Democratic Republic. She has developed the transnational and global dimensions of each of her fields of expertise in utilizing the archives and resources of international organizations and particularly the International Labor Organization. 
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She has published over 80 articles in French, German and American journals and collective volumes, edited 4 volumes (in French, Polish and German) and published the following books: L’État social allemand. Représentations et pratiques, Paris, Belin, 1995, 416 pages (under translation by Vandehoeck&Ruprecht); L'Allemagne du XIXè siècle, Paris, Hachette, collection Carré Histoire, 1999, 254 pages; Le communisme au quotidien. Les entreprises d’Etat dans la société est-allemande (1949-1989), Paris, Belin, Collection socio-histoire, 2001, 413 pages (under translation by Michigan University press); Bismarck, Presses de la FNSP, collection Facettes, 2003, 385 pages; (with Stéphane Michonneau) Dictionnaire des nations et des nationalismes dans l’Europe contemporaine, Paris, Hatier, Initial, 2006, 411 pages and La société de RDA, Paris, la découverte, 2011.