!!Lajos Kemeny - Curriculum Vitae
__LICENSES:__ Clinical immunology and Allergology Dermatology (1987), Dermatology and Cosmetology (1987)\\
__DEGREES:__  Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2019), Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS, 1998),  doctor habilis (1996), Ph.D (1990)\\
*2012 Board member of UEMS European Board of Dermato-Venereology\\
*2012 - 2018: Board member of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology\\
*2015 - 2018: Scientific Program Committee member of the EADV\\
*2012 Board member of the Psoriasis International Network\\
*2012 - 2018: Board member of the European Alliance for acne\\
*2014 - 2018: Board member of the Global Alliance for acne\\
*2011 - 2013: Member of René Touraine Foundation Scientific Committee\\
*2004 - 2008: Board member of European Dermatology Forum\\
*2000 - 2004: Board member of European Immunodermatological Society\\
*2004 Member of the Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft, 2016- Ehrenmitglied\\
*2000 - 2004: President of the German-Hungarian Dermatological Society\\
*1996 - 1999: Board member of European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR)\\
*1996 - 1999: President of the Eastern European Committee of the ESDR\\
Editorial board memberships in 5 international journals, Since 2018- Session Editor “Inflammation” Journal of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
\\ \\
*2010 - 2012: President of the Hungarian Immunological Society\\
*2008 - 2010: President of the Hungarian Dermatological Society\\
*2003 Board member of the Hungarian Allergological and Immunological Society
__Current positions:__
*2018 Head of the Clinical Medicine Habilitation Committee\\
*2018 Member of the Habilitation Committee of the University of Szeged\\
*2014 Member of the Senate of the University of Szeged\\
*2007 Head of the Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine\\
*2007 Head of the Strategic Committee of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical Center of the University of Szeged\\
*2003 Member of the Doctoral Council of the University of Szeged
__Previous positions:__
*2014 - 2018: Vice Rector for Science and Innovation of the University of Szeged\\
*2014 - 2018: Head of the Innovation Committee of the University of Szeged\\
*2014 - 2018: Head of the Scientific Committee of the University of Szeged\\
*1997 - 2014: Head of Clinical Research Coordination Office of the University of Szeged
__PUBLICATIONS:__ 440 original articles (Hirsch-index 43, citation: 8500, patents 39).  Importantly 16 papers were published in the last 5 years, that were cited by 86.  \\
__INVITED SPEAKER:__ Number of presentations in international meetings or seminar:  more than 100, including very prestigious invitations such as by World Congress of Dermatology, and European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology and by the Americal Academy of Dermatology.\\ \\