!!Professor Vladimir I. Keilis-Borok - Curriculum Vitae
*M. Sc., 1943, College of Exploration Geophysics 
*Ph.D. in Mathematical Geophysics, 1948, USSR Academy of Sciences 
*D.Sci. in Mathematical Geophysics, 1953, USSR Academy of Sciences 
__Academic experience __
*1999 – present:  Distinguished Professor, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics and Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles.
*1998 – present: Research group leader and founding Director emeritus. International Institute for Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Ac. Sci. 
*1987 – present: Founding Director, Research and Advanced Training Program in Non-linear dynamics and Earthquake Prediction, Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste.
*Visiting professorships: Fairchild Distinguished Scholar, California Institute of Technology. Regents Lecturer, UCLA; others
*Member, Science Advisory Board, EU International Graduate School for Comparative Public Policy Analysis, Luxemburg 
__Elected to: __
*American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1969) 		 	
*US National Ac. Sci. (1971)					
*Russian Ac. Sci. (1988)						
*Royal Astronomical Society (1989)
*Austrian Ac. Sci. (1992)
*Pontifical Ac. Sci. (1994)
*Academia Europaea (1999)
__Awards __
*First Richardson medal for achievements in non-linear dynamics
*Doctor Honoris Causa, Institute de Physique du Globe, Paris 
*21st Century Collaborative Activity Award for Studying Complex Systems, J. F. McDonnell Foundation
__Service in international organizations__
*President, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (1987-1991) 
*Vice President, International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth Interior (1983-1987)
*Board Member and Chair of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Section, International Council of Scientific Unions (1988 – 1991); member of the Union’s Scientific Committee for International Decade for Natural Disasters Reduction, (1990- 1999) 
*Member, Committee for International Security and Disarmament, Russian Ac. Sci. (1998 – 2000
*Founding Chairman, International Committee for Geophysical Theory and Computers (1964-1979)
*Expert, Technical meetings on the nuclear test ban treaty (1960-1990)  
*Member, International Working Group on geological safety of the nuclear waste depositories (1994 - 1997)
__Current  research __
*Predictability of critical transitions in complex systems. Pattern recognition 
*Lithosphere dynamics. Predictability of geological disasters ([http://www.mitp.ru|http://www.mitp.ru], [http://www.igpp.ucla.edu/prediction/rtp]|http://www.igpp.ucla.edu/prediction/rtp). Disasters preparedness and risk analysis. 
*Socio-economic predictions: recessions (US); unemployment (US and W. Europe); crime surges (Los Angeles); elections (US); others. 
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Collaboration with joint publications: Scientists and professional experts from 22 institutions worldwide.
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__International meetings, 2006-2009. __
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''Co-director or co-organizer:'' 
*Government-level discussions on predictability of geophysical disasters and disaster preparedness (Pakistan, March and November ’06; Israel May ’06)
*Conference and School on predictability of natural disasters, ICTP, June 07 
*Workshop on non-linear dynamics and earthquakes prediction, ICTP, Oct. ’07
*Symposium on earthquake prediction, European Geophysical Union, April ’07
*G8-UNESCO Forum on Sustainable Development May 07
*Conference on Earthquake Prediction (Risk Management Solutions), Jan. 08
*Conferences of the Second School of Athens on Global Governance, Apr. 2008, Feb. 2010

Read obituaries in [The Telegraph|http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/10569077/Vladimir-Keilis-Borok-obituary.html] and at [the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)|http://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/media-centre/news/news-archive/2013/10/in-memoriam-professor-vladimir-keilis-borok.aspx#close] website.