!!Anne Kaun - Selected Publications
1.	Fredrik Stiernstedt & Anne Kaun (2024) The Messenger is the Medium: Newspaper Carriers, Union Struggles, and Newspaper Development in Sweden During the 20th Century. Media History, [https://doi.org/10.1080/13688804.2024.2305897].\\
2.	Anne Kaun & Agnes Liminga (2023). Welfare Service Centers: Maintenance, Repair, and Care at the Analog Interfaces of the Digital Welfare State. New Media & Society [https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448231220362].\\
3.	Anu Masso, Anne Kaun & Colin van Noordt (2023) Basic values in artificial intelligence: comparative factor analysis in Estonia, Germany, and Sweden. AI & Society. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-023-01750-w].\\
4.	Anne Kaun & Fredrik Stiernstedt (2023) Prison Media. Cambridge: MIT Press.\\
5.	Stine Lomborg, Anne Kaun, Sne Scott Hansen (2023) Automated Decision-Making research: towards a people-centered approach. In: Sociology Compass, 1-5. [https://doi.org/10.1111/soc4.13097].\\
6.	Anne Kaun, Stine Lomborg; Christian Pentzold, Doris Alhutter, Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska (2023). Crosscurrents: Welfare. In: Media, Culture & Society.\\
7.	Anne Kaun & Michael Forsman (2022). Digital care work at public libraries: Making Digital First possible. New Media & Society. ahead of print June 2022.\\
8.	Fredrik Stiernstedt & Anne Kaun (2022). Prison Papers as Alternative Media. International Journal for Community and Alternative Media 6(2): 197-216.\\
9.	Anne Kaun (2022) Suing the Algorithm: The Mundanization of Automated Decision-Making in Public Services through Litigation. Information, Communication & Society 25(14), 2046-2062.\\
10.	Anne Kaun & Fredrik Stiernstedt (2020) Doing time the smart way? Temporality of the smart prison. New Media and Society, 22(9), 1580-1599.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit akaun}][{ALLOW upload akaun}][{ALLOW comment All}]