!!!Katalin Karikó
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*2019 - present Senior Vice President, BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals 
*2013 - 2019 Vice President, BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals 
*2009 - present Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania 
*1995 - 2009 Senior Research Investigator, Department of Neurosurgery, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania 
*1989 - 1995 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania 
*1988 - 1989 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pathology, USUHS Bethesda, MD 
*1985 - 1988 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 
*1982 - 1985 Postdoctoral Fellow, Biological Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary 
*1978 - 1982 Graduate Student, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary 
*1973 - 1978 Undergraduate Student, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (together with Drew Weissman) "''for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19''"
*2023 Cameron Award, University of Edinburgh
*2023 Dawson Award in Genetics, Smurfit Institute of Genetics in Trinity
*2023 Faces of American Innovation
*2023 Genius Award, New Jersey City University
*2023 Harvey Prize of the Technion in Israel (awarded in 2023 for the year 2021)
*2023 Hungarian Order of Saint Stephen
*2023 Jonathan E. Rhoads Medal for Distinguished Achievement in Medicine, American Philosophical Society
*2023 LIV Jiménez Díaz Commemorative Lecture, Fundación Jiménez Díaz
*2023 Meyenburg Prize, Helmholtz Institute for Translational Oncology (HI-TRON)
*2023 Neumann János Prize, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and John von Neumann Computer Society 
*2022 Beacon Award of Trustees' Council of Penn Women, PennAlumni of University of Pennsylvania
*2022 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Life Science, The Franklin Institute of Philadelphia
*2022 Camurus Lipid Science Prize, Camurus Lipid Research Foundation
*2022 Canada Gairdner International Awards
*2022 German Immunology Prize, German Society for Immunology
*2022 Emilia Chiancone Medal, Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze, Rome
*2022 Empowering Research and Discovery Award, National Disease Research Interchange (NDRI)
*2022 European Inventor Award for Lifetime achievement, European Patent Office
*2022 Golden Arrow, Vienna Congress com.sult 2022
*2022 Harold Berger Award, Penn Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
*2022 Helmholtz Medal 2022, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
*2022 Japan Prize, Japan Prize Foundation
*2022 Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megye Díszpolgára Díj
*2022 Jeantet-Collen Prize for Medicine
*2022 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine, Louis-Jeantet Foundation, Geneva
*2022 Lindhal Lecture, Neurovations
*2022 Matis Family Investigator Award, Drs. Louis and Lyn Matis – Penn Institute for Immunology 
*2022 Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Award, Dubai Culture and Arts Authority
*2022 National Inventors Hall of Fame, The United States Patent and Trademark Office & The National Inventors Hall of Fame
*2022 Park MahnHoon Award, International Vaccine Institute & SK bioscience
*2022 Pearl Meister Greengard Prize, Rockefeller University
*2022 Peter Speiser Award, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of ETH Zurich
*2022 Philadelphia-Israel Chamber of Commerce Award, Philadelphia-Israel Chamber of Commerce
*2022 Ross Prize in Molecular Medicine, Feinstein Institute
*2022 SBMT Award, Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics
*2022 Semmelweis Budapest Award, Semmelweis Egyetem
*2022 Solvay Prize
*2022 Stanford University Drug Discovery Lifetime Achievement Award
*2022 Vilcek Prize for Excellence in Biotechnology, Vilcek Foundation
*2022 Werner von Siemens Ring, The Werner von Siemens Ring Foundation
*2022 Warren Alpert Prize, Harvard Medical School
*2022 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences
*2022 Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize, The Paul Ehrlich Foundation
*2022 VinFuture Prize
*2022 Jessie Stevenson Kovalenko Medal, National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Washington
*2022 Japan Prize
*2022 Pearl Meister Greengard Prize
*2022 Canada Gairdner International Award
*2022 Harvey Prize (2023 awarded for the year 2021)
*2022 Tang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
*2022 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Award
*2022 National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF) 2022 class of Inductees
*2021 Wilhelm Exner Medal
*2021 Széchenyi Prize
*2021 Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research
*2021 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize
*2021 Albany Medical Center Prize
*2021 Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award, Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation
*2021 Grande Médaille, French Academy of Sciences 
*2021 Golden Goose Award
*2021 John Scott Medal, Philadelphia University
*2021 Prince Mahidol Award
*2021 German Future Prize
*2021 Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine
*2021 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award
*2021 BIAL Award in Biomedicine, BIAL Foundation 
*2021 Bill Foege Award
*2021 Dr. Paul Janssen Award, Johnson & Johnson 
*2021 Frontiers Awards, BBVA Foundation, Bilbao
*2021 Keio Medical Science Prize, Keio University 
*2021 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize, Columbia University
*2021 Novo Nordisk Prize, Novo Nordisk Foundation 
*2021 Prince Mahidol Award, Prince Mahidol Award Foundation under the Royal Patronage, Bangkok
*2021 Princess Marina Sturdza Award, Emerging Europe Council
*2021 Reichstein Medal, Swiss Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SAPhS)
*2021 Stem Cell Hero NYSCF, The New York Stem Cell Foundation
*2021 Straub-plakett, Biological Research Centre (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Szeged
*2021 Széchenyi Prize, Government of Hungary
*2021 Theodor Boveri Award, University of Würzburg 
*2021 Wilhelm Exner Medal, Austrian Industrial Association
*2021 William B. Coley Award for Distinguished Research in Basic and Tumor Immunology, Cancer Research Institute
*2020 Rosenstiel Award
**2021 Member, AAAS Fellows, American Association for the Advancement of Science
**2021 Foreign Member, French Académie des sciences
**2021 Hawking Fellow, Cambridge Union
**2022 Member, German National Academy of Sciences (German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina)
**2022 Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
**2022 Member, National Academy of Inventors
**2022 Member, National Academy of Medicine, Washington
**2023 Member, EMBO 
*Honorary degrees
**2021  University of Szeged, Duke University, Humanitas University of Milan
**2022 Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Radboud University, Rockefeller University, Tel Aviv University, Université libre de Bruxelles, University of Geneva, Yale University
**2023 Brandeis University,  University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork (UCC), Harvard University,  Princeton University, Rutgers University, Chinese University of Hong Kong

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Karikó_Katalin/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Karikó_Katalin/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Karikó_Katalin/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Karikó_Katalin/OtherInformation]

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