!!Soteris Kalogirou - Interests and Research

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1.	Solar energy systems which include the design and construction of various types of flat plate and concentrating collectors, integrated collector storage, solar water heating systems, and steam generation systems for industrial applications.
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2.	Building integrated solar thermal and photovoltaics systems.
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3.	Solar thermal and photovoltaic systems design, optimization and fault finding.
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4.	Desalination of seawater which includes the use of parabolic trough collectors with a multiple effects distillation evaporator and the design of a spray type evaporator.
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5.	Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, like artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms, which include solar energy systems, solar radiation and wind prediction, renewable energy systems fault finding systems, geothermal maps, and many others.
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6.	Solar cooling which also includes the design and construction of absorption cooling systems.
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7.	Geothermal systems which include resource assessment and design and construction of ground heat exchangers and ground source heat pumps. 
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8.	Economic and environmental appraisal of renewable energy applications.
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9.	Large-scale application of renewable energy systems to cover fully a country energy demand.
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__Founder and Director__ of the __Archimedes Solar Energy Laboratory (ASEL)__. This is built with little input from the university as all major equipment were purchased from funded projects undertaken by the laboratory. The main equipment is a large scale indoor solar simulator with which various tests of solar systems can be performed under indoor-controlled conditions.
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Author of the following:   
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A. Book contributions, manuscripts, thesis, and research reports: __58__\\

B. Papers appearing in reviewed scientific Journals: __216__\\

C. Papers published in refereed conference proceedings: __209__\\

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__Publications Impact (Jan 2024):	__
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Google Scholar: 	h-index = 90, 	Total Number of citations = 42,975 (i10 index =235)\\
Scopus: 		h-index = 76, 	Total number of citations = 26,039\\
Web of Science: 	h-index = 74, 	Total number of citations = 23,080
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Author or editor of a large number of books. Some of the most important ones are:

*Editor of the book Artificial Intelligence in Energy and Renewable Energy Systems, published by Nova Science Inc. (2006)

*Co-editor of the book Soft Computing in Green and Renewable Energy Systems, published by Springer (2011).

*Volume Editor, of book series Comprehensive Renewable Energy, Vol.3, includes 21 chapters, Major Reference Works (MRW) series published by Elsevier. This is awarded the PROSE Award (American Publishers Awards for PROfesional and Scholarly Excellence), (2013).

*Editor of the book Overview of BISTS State of the Art, Models and Applications, COST Action TU1205 (Building Integrated Solar Thermal Systems-BISTS), (2016).

*Editor of the book Building Integrated Solar Thermal Systems: Design and Applications Handbook, COST Action TU1205 (BISTS), (2017).

*Editor of the book McEvoy’s Handbook of Photovoltaics, published by Academic Press of Elsevier (2018).

*Co-editor of the book Solar Thermal Energy – A volume in the Encyclopaedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Second Edition, Springer Reference (2022).

*Co-author (together with Belessiotis, V. and Delyannis, E.) of the book Thermal Solar Desalination: Methods and Systems, published by Academic Press of Elsevier (2016).

*Co-author (together with Prof. Mellit Adel) of the book Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Photovoltaic Systems: Modelling, Control, Optimization, Forecasting and Fault Diagnosis, published by Academic Press of Elsevier (2022). 

*Author of the book Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and Systems, third edition, published by Academic Press of Elsevier (First Ed. 2009, Second Ed. 2014, Third Ed. 2023). This book is a best-selling book already translated into Portuguese and Chinese. It is the basic textbook adopted in more than 30 universities worldwide teaching this subject.
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Organization and participation in scientific committees of more than 100 international conferences. A keynote or a plenary speaker at more than 85 international conferences. 

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