!!!John Anthony Jolowicz
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*Professor John Anthony Jolowicz passed away 17 January 2012.
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__Positions Held__

*1952 Fellow, Trinity College
*1952 Called to Bar Inner Temple & Gray’s Inn
*1955 Assistant Lecturer in Law, Cambridge
*1959 Lecturer in Law Cambridge
*1972 - 1976 Reader, Common & Comparative Law
*1976 - 1993 Professor of Comparative Law
*1976 Associate Professor University of Paris
*1978 Bencher, Gray’s Inn
*1982 - 1984 Faculty Chairman
*1983 Lionel Cohen Lecturer, Hebrew University
*1986 - 1987 President, Society of Public Teachers of Law
*1990 Queens Counsel
*1993 Retired
*1994 Vice-President, International Academy of Comparative Law
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1962 - 1980 Editor, Journal Society of Public Teachers of Law
*1985 Hon Dr, National Autonomous University of Mexico
*198 6- 1987 President, Society of Public Teachers of Law
*1994 Vice-President, International Academy of Comparative Law
*2000 Hon LLD Buckingham
*2002 French Légion d’ honneur

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Jolowicz_John_Anthony/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Jolowicz_John_Anthony/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Jolowicz_John_Anthony/Highlight]
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-->[Other information|User/Jolowicz_John_Anthony/OtherInformation]

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