!!Jaak Järv - Curriculum Vitae
*1973 - 1976  PhD Student, University of Tartu, PhD in Organic Chemistry, 1976\\
*1967 - 1972  Student, Chemistry Department, University of Tartu, Diploma with Honors in 1972
__Scientific Degrees__
*Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Moscow University, Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow, 1990. \\
*PhD in Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, 1976
__R&D related administrative tasks__\\
*2017 - present Secretary General, Estonian Academy of Sciences\\
*2016 - present  Vice-President, Estonian Chemical Society\\
*2014 - present Estonian Academy of Sciences, Board Member\\
*2008 - present  European Science Foundation, referee\\
*2007 - present  Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Chief Editor\\
*2007 - present Chairman, Board of the Estonian Academy Publisher\\
*2002 - present  Head of the Chair of Organic Chemistry, Tartu University\\
*1983 - 2019   Member, Editorial Board, Bioorganic Chemistry, Elsevier, USA\\
*2011 - 2013 Chairman of FEBS Advanced Courses Committee\\
*2010 - 2016 Estonian National Science Awards Committee, member\\
*2004 − 2011 President, Estonian Biochemical Society,\\
*2003 − 2010 Expert, Estonian Council of Scientific Expertise\\
*2003 - 2011 Expert, Research Infrastructures Committee, European Commission, DG XII\\
*2002 - 2006 Member, Fellowships Committee, FEBS \\
*1998 - 2003 Expert, Estonian Science Foundation\\
*1998 - 2003 University of Tartu, Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, Dean\\
*1997 - 2001 Member, Publications Committee, FEBS\\
*1996 - 1999 Member, Baltic Assembly Culture, Art and Science Awards Committee \\
*1983 - 1991 Deputy Pro-rector on Research, University of Tartu, Estonia\\
*1983 - 1991and 1998 - 2012   Council Member, Tartu University
__University teaching__
*General and practical courses in organic chemistry,  physical organic chemistry and bio-organic chemistry since 1977\\
*Founder of curriculum in bio-organic chemistry in the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry of Tartu University in 1978.
__Creative work__
*Editor and author of educational computer software in Estonian\\
*Author, digital course "Organic Compounds" for high schools\\
__Professional Societies__
*Estonian Chemical Society - member and vice-president\\
*Estonian Biochemical Society - member and past-president\\
*The Biochemical Society (UK) - member \\
*American Chemical Society - member \\
*European Peptide Society - member\\
*Society of Molecular Imaging - member\\
Supervised PhD dissertations:  29\\
PhD Dissertations under supervision: 4
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[Full list of publications|https://www.etis.ee/CV/Jaak_Järv/eng]\\
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