!!Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg - Selected Publications
1) Föräldrabalken, En Kommentar, Norstedts 2018 (Commentary on the Swedish Children's and Parents' Code, together with G. Walin,. S. Vängby and  A. Singer. Since 2018, Jänterä-Jareborg is alone in charge of international children's law, Part II) - This is Sweden's leading commentary in the field  \\
2) Women's Human Rights and the Elimination of Discrimination, supervised and edited together with H. Tigroudja, The Hague Academy of International Law, Brill 2016   \\
3) The Child's Interests in Conflict. The Intersections  between Society. Family, Faith and Culture, Intersentia 2016 (ed. by Jänterä-Jareborg)\\
4) Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property relations Between Spouses, Intersentia 2013. Co-authored together with K, Boele-Woelki, F. Ferrand, C. González Beilfuss, N. Lowe. , D. Martiny and W. Pintens\\
5) Familj - Religion - Rätt, En antologi om kulturella spänningar i familjen med Sverige och Turkiet som exempel, An antology on family , law and religion with focus on Sweden and Turkey, supervised and edited by Jänterä-Jareborg, A. Singer and A. Schlytter, Iustus Förlag 2009\\
6) Principles of European Family Law Regarding Parental Responsibilities, co-authored together with the same authors as under 4), Intersentia 2007\\
7) Principles of European Family Law regarding Divorce and Maintenance Between Former Spouses, co-authored with the same authors as under 4), Intersentia 2004\\
8) Foreign Law at National Courts, A Comparative Perspective, Recueil des Cours, Vol. 304, Hague Academy of International Law, 2004 pp. 181-325\\
9) Svensk domstol och utländsk rätt, En internationellt privat- och processrättslig studie, Iustus Förlag 1997 (Swedish courts and foreign law, Awarded with  Idman's prize in 1997)\\
10) Partsautonomi och efterlevande makes rättsställning, En internationellt privaträttslig studie, Iustus Förlag 1989 (awarded with von Bahr's prize).\\
The above is a selection of monographs written or edited by Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg, alone or jointly with other given authors.  In addition there is a bulk of studies material, other edited volumes, articles and book chapters by her.