!!Mikhail Ivanov - Curriculum Vitae

*1987-1989 Ph.D. in Physics - General Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia\\
*1981-1987 Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Russia, M. Sc. with distinction in Mathematical Physics \\
Moved to Canada in 1992, to the Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences at the National Research Council of Canada, progressing to the position of the Principal Research Officer and Head of Theory there. \\
Developed theoretical foundations of what is now called "Attosecond Science" (1 as=10^-18 sec), including the methods to generate, control, and characterize attosecond light pulses generated via highly nonlinear interaction of infrared light with matter.\\
In 2008 moved to Imperial College London as a Professor and Chair in Attosecond Physics. In 2012 took appointment at the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics together with the Professor appointment at the Humboldt University Berlin. Established at the MBI a world leading theory program in strong-field and attosecond physics leading to the establishment of a new Theory Department at the MBI led by M. Ivanov. The Department now includes independent theory groups in attosecond physics, strong-field physics, bio-molecular dynamics, photonics, condensed matter physics, and employs about 35 researchers and students.\\
Since 2018 published 6 papers in Nature Photonics, 3 in Nature Physics, 3 in Nature Communications, 1 in Science advances, 4 in Optica, 2 in Physical Review Letters, 1 in Physical Review X, with two more just accepted in Nature Physics and Nature Photonics\\ \\