!Paola Inverardi - Curriculum Vitae
Paola Inverardi is Professor in Computer Science at University of L’Aquila where she leads the Software Engineering and Architecture Research Group. Paola Inverardi's main research area is in the application of rigorous methods to software production in order to improve software quality. In the last decade her research interests concentrated in the field of software architectures, mobile applications and adaptive systems. Inverardi serves in the editorial boards of the IEEE Transaction of Software Engineering and Springer Computing. She has been general chair or program chair of leading conferences in software technology (i.e. ASE08, ICSE09, ESEC/FSE03). She is Chair of the ICSE Steering Committee and member of the ACM Europe Council. \\
She is reviewer for, and member of, evaluation committees of national and international research funding agencies and universities: in the last two years for European Commission, INRIA, Swiss National Science Foundation, Swedish Research Council, Dutch Research Council, German Research Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Vienna Science and Technology Fund, CHIST-ERA, Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, Academy of Finland, ETH-Zurich, University of Lugano. \\
At present she leads a national project (RIDITT Ricostruire 1 Million euro funding) and  the University of L’Aquila team in two FP7 projects   CONNECT (IST-2007-231167 - [http://connect-forever.eu]) and CHOREOS (IST-2010-257178 - [http://www.choreos.eu]).\\ \\
In the last 2 years  she delivered two invited presentations “Engineering Software in the Future Era: The role of uncertainty” Invited talk at the conference Challenges in Computing for the 10th celebration of Simula Laboratories, Oslo, Norway December 2011. “Assessing Dependability for Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Is there a Role for Software Architectures?” Keynote at QSIC’10, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC’10) Zhangjiajie, China. \\
From 2002 to 2012, Paola Inverardi supervised  12 PhD students.