!!Timothy Insoll - Selected Publications
Insoll, T. (2023) 'Archaeological perspectives on contacts between Cairo and eastern Ethiopia in the 12th to 15th centuries.' Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 66: 154-205.\\
Insoll, T., Walker, B., & Fenwick, C. (2020) (eds)  The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.\\
Insoll, T., Almahari, S., & MacLean, R. (2019) The Islamic Funerary Inscriptions of Bahrain, pre-1317 AH/1900 AD. Leiden: Brill.\\
Insoll, T. (2017) (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Figurines. Oxford: Oxford University Press.\\
Insoll, T. (2015) Material Explorations in African Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.\\
Insoll, T., MacLean, R., & Kankpeyeng, B. (2013) Temporalising Anthropology: Archaeology in the Talensi Tong Hills. Frankfurt: Africa Magna Verlag.\\
Insoll, T. (2003) The Archaeology of Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.\\
Insoll, T. (2001) (ed.) Archaeology and World Religion. London: Routledge.\\
Insoll, T. (1999) The Archaeology of Islam. Oxford: Blackwell.\\
Insoll, T. (1996) Islam, Archaeology and History. Gao Region (Mali) ca. AD 900-1250. Oxford: Tempus Reparatum.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit tinsoll}][{ALLOW upload tinsoll}][{ALLOW comment All}]