!!Margaret-Anne Hutton - Selected Publications
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2013 French Crime Fiction 1945-2005: Investigating World War II, Ashgate. 222 \\
2005 Testimony from the Nazi Camps: French Women's Voices, Routledge. 255 p.\\
1998 The Novels of Christiane Rochefort. Countering the Culture, Exeter University Press. 277 p.\\
1992 Tournier: Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique, University of Glasgow French and German Publications. 89 p.\\
__Edited works:__
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2013 with others: Readings in Twenty-First-Century European Literatures, Peter Lang Publishing. 456 p.\\
2009 Redefining the Real: the Fantastic in Contemporary French and Francophone Women's Writing, Peter Lang Publishing. 288 p. \\
2002 French Fiction in the 1990s,  Nottingham French Studies.\\
1999 Text(e) / Image, Durham Modern Language Series. 220 p.\\
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2016 The Janus and the Janissary: reading into Camus' 'La chute' and Hamid's 'The reluctant fundamentalist', Comparative Literature.\\
2012 Legacies of the Second World War: Representations of the Theft of Jewish Property in Recent French Crime Fiction, French Studies. 66, 4, p. 493-509\\
2011 Constructions of Europe and America in French '9/11' prose texts, Contemporary French Civilization. 36, 3, p. 249-267\\
2010 Jonathan Littell's Les Bienveillantes: Ethics, Aesthetics and the Subject of Judgment, Modern & Contemporary France. 18, 1, p. 1-15 15 p\\
2002 'Personne n'est indispensable, sauf l'ennemi': l'oeuvre conflictuelle d'Amélie Nothomb, Nouvelles ecrivaines, nouvelles voix?. Morello, N. & Rodgers, C. (eds.). Rodopi, p. 253-268