!!Francois Holtz - Curriculum Vitae
*1983  DEA Geology, Université de Nancy I, France \\
*1987   Dr. rer. nat.,  Université de Nancy I, France \\
__Professional Experience:__
*1987-1989  Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hannover (Inst. for Mineralogy); grant from the EC\\
*1989-1991  Research position at the University of Hannover (Inst. for Mineralogy); position supported by the German Science Foundation\\
*1991-1996  Research position (Chargé de Recherche) at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Orléans (CRSCM); speciality geochemistry and high pressure - high temperature experimental investigations\\
*Since 1996  Professor (Petrology) at the Leibniz University of Hannover \\
__Responsibilities in scientific Societies:__
*President of the German Mineralogical Society, DMG (2015 - 2016)\\
*Vice-president of the German Mineralogical Society, DMG (2014 and 2017)\\
*Vice-president of the German Association of Earth Science Societies, Dachverband-Geo (since 2016)\\
__Scientific responsibilities at the German Science Foundation:__ 
*Member of the Senat of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG (2010-2016) \\
*Member of the DFG review panel “Fachkollegium 316” (German Science Foundation)  (geochemistry/mineralogy/crystallography), 2004-2010
__Scientific responsibilities at the Leibniz Universität Hannover:__ 
*Graduate schools and research programs at the Leibniz Universität Hannover:\\
**Responsible of the Graduate School „Geofluxes“ (2012-2016) \\
**Responsible of the „Forschungsinitiative Geoprozessforschung” (2008-2013) \\
**Responsible of the „Forschungsinitiative „FI:Geo” with Prof. M. Sester (since 2013) \\
__Scientific evaluations:__ 
*Deutscher Akademischer Austausch-Dienst (DAAD): - Member of the DAAD panel for evaluation of Procope projects (2005-2013)\\
*Scientific reviews for NSF (USA), NERC (U.K.), CNRS (France), FNS (Switzerland)\\
*Reviews for publications in international journals \\
__Administrative responsabilities at the Leibniz University of Hannover:__
*Chair of several committees for the recruitment of professors (Geochemie, Geophysik, Geologie)\\
*Head of the „Institut für Mineralogie” (2009-2011 and 2015-2016)\\
*Member of several committees organising student affairs (Studienkommission Geowissenschaften, Prüfungsauschuß, Erasmus program for Earth Sciences)\\
*Abraham Gottlob Werner medal in 2013 (from the DMG, Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft) \\
*Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America in 2013 (MSA)\\
__Expertise of the research team:__
\\ \\
1. Experimental determination of phase relationships in  natural silicate systems systems\\
2. Formation of continental and oceanic crust: Partial melting, differentiation, crystallization processes\\ 

3. Volatiles in silicate melts and glasses\\ 

4. Physical properties of partially melted silicate systems, viscosity and diffusivity of volatiles and cations in melts\\

5.  Participation to projects involving combined petrological, geochemical and experimental investigation of natural rocks with particular attention to magmatic and volcanic systems\\

6.  Improvement of high-pressure high-temperature experimental techniques\\

7.  Applied research topics: metal and PGE distribution  between minerals, melts and fluids at high pressure and temperature\\ \\