!!Kevin Heng - Selected Publications
The Transient Outgassed Atmosphere of 55 Cancri e, K. Heng, 2023, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 956, L20\\
Framework for testing if the rocky exoplanets have thin, transient atmospheres sourced by volcanic outgassing, which has since been verified by recent data measured by the James Webb Space Telescope\\
Jupiter as an Exoplanet: Insights from Cassini Phase Curves, K. Heng & L. Li, 2021, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 909, L20\\
Application of the newly discovered Heng et al. (2021) mathematical solutions towards analysing Cassini data of Jupiter, which resulted in novel insights into the aerosols present in the Jovian atmosphere\\
Closed-formed ab initio solutions of geometric albedos and reflected light phase curves of exoplanets, K. Heng, B.M. Morris & D. Kitzmann, 2021, Nature Astronomy, 5, 1001\\
Approximate, but general, mathematical solution to 105-year-old problem in classical astronomy first described by Russell (1916)\\
The Approximately Universal Shapes of Epidemic Curves in the Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) Model, K. Heng & C.L. Althaus, 2020, Scientific Reports, 10, 19365-\\
Discovered that theoretical models used to describe disease transmission have nearly universal shapes if a specific mathematical transformation is used\\
Atomic iron and titanium in the atmosphere of the exoplanet KELT-9b, H.J. Hoeijmakers et al., 2018, Nature, 560, 453-\\
First discovery of iron and titanium in an exoplanetary atmosphere, which pioneered an entire subfield of hunting for metals in the atmospheres of so-called "ultra-hot Jupiters"\\
Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Theoretical Concepts and Foundations, K. Heng, 2017, Princeton University Press (Editor: Ingrid Gnerlich. Foreword by Sara Seager.)-\\
Second ever textbook on exoplanetary atmosphere, which earned the 2018 Chambliss Astronomical Writing Award of the American Astronomical Society\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit kheng}][{ALLOW upload kheng}][{ALLOW comment All}]