!!Dirk Heirbaut - Curriculum Vitae
* Master of Arts (History) (1988), Ghent University\\
* Master of Laws (1993), Ghent University\\
* Ph. D. (Law) (1997) (Ph. D. Thesis about feudal law in the county of Flanders, 1000-1305), Ghent University.\\
__Functions, activities and memberships__\\
* Director Department of Legal Theory and Legal History Ghent University\\
* Corresponding member of the Zentraldirektorium der Monumenta Germaniae Historica\\
* Partner in the Interuniversitary Attraction Pole Justice and Society\\
* President of the Scientific Committee for Legal History of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Arts and Science \\
* Secretary of the Belgian-Dutch Association for the Study of the History of the Reception of Roman Law in the Netherlands \\
* Founding vice-president of the European Society for Comparative Legal History\\
* Member of the assessement committee of the doctoral school legal history (Max Planck Institute of Legal History, 2006)
__Editorial activities__
* member of the editorial board of the reviews Pro memorie and Legal history review/Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis\\
* member of the editorial board of the Foundation for Old National Law (Netherlands) \\
* chief editor of the electronic legal history newsletter De Rechtshistorische Courant\\
* reporter for Belgium of the electronic review Clio & Themis \\
* member advisory board of the series Medieval Legal Practice (Brill)\\
* co-editor of the series Studies in the history of private law (Brill) \\
* co-editor of the series Iuris Scripta Historica of the Flemish Royal Academy; \\
* co-editor of the series Justitie en maatschappij / Justice & Society (Die Keure) and member of the editorial board of the series\\
__Conference organisator__
* Organiser or co-organiser of inter alia congresses about legal history in general (1998) \\
* the relationship between legal history and contemporary law (1999) \\
* encounters and confrontations between European and non-European legal systems (2000) \\
* Flemish medieval history (2002) \\
* archives and privacy (2002) \\
* the history of twentieth century law (2003)\\
* two hundred years French Civil code in Belgium (2004) \\
* two hundred years Code de Procédure civile (2006) \\
* two hundred years Code de Commerce (2007) \\
* two hundred years Code pénal (2010)\\
* Also organiser with M. Stolleis of the 2004 Summer School for Ph. Students in Legal History (Frankfurt, Max Planck Institute for Legal History)
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Multiple lectures in Belgium and abroad.