!!!György Hazai
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György Hazai passed away January 7, 2016.
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__Positions Held__
*1991 - 2002 Professor of Oriental Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest
*1963, 1982 Visiting Professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin
*1957 - 1962 Reasercher in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Linguistics
*1956 - 1957 Visiting Professor at the University of Sofia
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1991 Member of Academia Europaea
*Ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, honorary member of the Turkish Historical Society (Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara),  the American Oriental Society, the Turkish Linguistic Society (Türk Dil Kurumu, Ankara), the Turkish Academy of Sciences, the Societas Uralo-Altaica (Göttingen)
*Doctor honoris causa of the University of Istanbul
*2002 Gyula Andrassy Prize
*2004 Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (“Das Große Verdienstkreuz des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland”), awarded by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany  
*2005 Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary („Köztársasági Érdemrend középkeresztje“) awarded by the President of the Republic of Hungary
*2007 Arminius Prize
*„Commendeur de l’Ordre de Merite“ awarded by the President of the Republic of France 
*2014 Order of Merit of Turkey


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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Hazai_György/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Hazai_György/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Hazai_György/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Hazai_György/OtherInformation]

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