!!!Harald zur Hausen
[{Image src='Harald_zur_Hausen.jpg'  alt='Harald zur Hausen' height='200'}]
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Harald zur Hausen passed away May 28, 2023.
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__Positions Held__
*2003 Professor emeritus
*1983 - 2003 Chairman of the Management Board and Scientific Director of the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (German Cancer Research Center), Heidelberg
*1977 - 1983 Chairman and Professor at Institut für Virologie at  Zentrum für Hygiene at University of Freiburg
*1972 - 1977 Chairman and Professor at Institut für Klinische Virologie at University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
*1969 - 1972 Senior Scientist at Institut für Virologie at University of Würzburg, Germany
*1966 - 1969 Research Fellow at Division of Virology at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
*1962 - 1965 Research Fellow at Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie at University of Düsseldorf
*1960 Graduation in Medicine and M.D. University of Düsseldorf
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*2010 Member of American Association for Cancer Research
*2008 [Nobel Prize for Medicine|http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2008/hausen-facts.html] 
*2008 Gairdner Foundation International Award
*2008 Honorary Member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts
*2006 William B. Coley Award for Distinguished Research in Basic and Tumor Immunology
*2006 German Cancer Aid Award
*2005 Member of Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft
*2004 Great Cross of Merit
*2002 San Marino Prize for Medicine
*2000 Virchow Medal from the University of Würzburg
*1994 Paul-Ehrlich-und-Ludwig-Darmstaedter-Preis
*1986 Charles S. Mott Prize
*1975 Robert Koch Prize


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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Hausen_Harald/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Hausen_Harald/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Hausen_Harald/Highlight]
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-->[Other information|User/Hausen_Harald/OtherInformation]

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