!!Stephen Harrison- Selected publications
*1. A Commentary on Vergil, Aeneid 10 (OUP, 1991: repr. pb.1997, 2002)
*2. Apuleius : A Latin Sophist (OUP, 2000; i·epr.pb. 2004)
*3. A Commentary on Apttlcius Metamorphoses 1V.28—V1.24 (Egbert Forsten, 2004)(jointly with the seven other members ofthe Groningen Apuleius Group; main author of pp. 5 14-54)
*4. (ed. and contrib.) A Companion to Latin Literature (Blackwell, 2005; paperback due late 2006)
*5. (ecl. and contrib.) The Cambridge Companion to Horace (CUP, 2007)
*6. Forms of Appropriation : Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace (OUP, 2007)
*7. 'Apuleius, Aelius Aristides and Religious Autobiography, Ancient Narrative 1 (2000-1) 245-59
*8. `Somc Textual Problems in Petronius` in Petroniana : Gcdcnkschrift Hubert Petersmann, ed, 1l.(.§acrtner (Heidelberg, 2003) 127-38
*9. ‘Altering Artis : Ethnicity, Gender and Genre in Catullus 63’, Mncmosyne 57 (2004) 520-33
*10. “Vcrgil : Aeneis` for the Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike, Bnd 2: Die klassische Literatur (bis zum '1`oclc des Augustus), ed.
*A, Wlosok, S. Depp, P. L. Schmidt (Muenchen, 2007) (13,500 words, original in English)
[Full list of publications|https://users.ox.ac.uk/~sjh/Apubl12.htm]