!!Attila Harmathy
[Obituary|https://mta.hu/mta_hirei/elhunyt-harmathy-attila-jogasz-az-mta-rendes-tagja-112363], Hungarian Academy of Science (in Hungarian) \\
[Obituary|https://akjournals.com/downloadpdf/journals/2052/63/3/article-p175.xml], ''Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies'' (in English)]\\
[Obituary|https://aidc-iacl.org/lacademie-partage-avec-grande-tristesse-la-nouvelle-du-deces-du-professeur-attila-harmathy] International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL) (in English and French)
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Professor Attila Harmathy received his Juris Doctor from Eötvös Loránd Univesity Law School (Budapest), and holds degrees as Candidate of Legal Sciences and Doctor of Legal Sciences. He has held various positions with the Institute for Legal and Administrative Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Since 1958, he has served as lecturer, reader, and professor at Eötvös Lórand University Law School, where has was Dean between 1990 and 1993. In addition, he also served as a member of the Cabinet of the Minister of Justie. He is a member of arbitration panels for the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes. Professor Harmathy also has been the reporter of several international conferences, and has writer numerous books and papers.
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