!!Jürgen Habermas - Major publications

*The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (1962) ISBN 0-262-58108-6
*Theory and Practice (1963)
*On the Logic of the Social Sciences (1967)
*Toward a Rational Society (1967)
*Technology and Science as Ideology (1968)
*Knowledge and Human Interests (1971, German 1968)
*"On Social Identity". TELOS 19 (Spring 1974). New York: Telos Press
*Legitimation Crisis (1975)
*Communication and the Evolution of Society (1976)
*On the Pragmatics of Social Interaction (1976)
*The Theory of Communicative Action (1981)
*Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action (1983)
*Philosophical-Political Profiles (1983)
*The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity (1985)
*The New Conservatism (1985)
*The New Obscurity: The Crisis of the Welfare State (1986)
*Postmetaphysical Thinking (1988)
*Justification and Application (1991)
*Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy (1992)
*On the Pragmatics of Communication (1992)
*The Inclusion of the Other (1996)
*A Berlin Republic (1997, collection of interviews with Habermas)
*The Postnational Constellation (1998)
*Rationality and Religion (1998)
*Truth and Justification (1998)
*The Future of Human Nature (2003) ISBN 0-7456-2986-5
*Old Europe, New Europe, Core Europe (2005) ISBN 1-84467-018-X
*The Divided West (2006)
*The Dialectics of Secularization (2007, w/ Joseph Ratzinger)
*Between Naturalism and Religion: Philosophical Essays (2008)
*Europe. The Faltering Project (2009)
*The Crisis of the European Union (2012)