!!Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson - Curriculum Vitae
Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson (Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson, English letters spelling) \\
*2008-present Professor Faculty of Earth Sciences, UoI\\
*2002-2007 Professor Dep. Physics, UoI\\
*1995-2001 Associate Professor Dep. Physics, UoI\\
*1991-1994 Research associate Science Institute, UoI
*University College London, PhD 1992\\
*University of Iceland, BS geophysics\\
*University Administration (UoI)\\
*2016 - Head, Faculty of Earth Sciences\\
*2008 - 2014 Head, Faculty of Earth Sciences\\
*2008 - 2013 Board, University Park\\
*2008 - 2012 Chairman-Director, Board of the Institute of Earth Sciences\\
*2005 - 2007 Head, Department of Physics
__Societies, public service__
*1998 President, Iceland Glaciological Society\\
*2012 GOSVÁ Steering Committee – Volcanic Hazard Assessment for Iceland.\\
*1996 Science Advisory Board, Nat. Commissioner, Icelandic Police, Civil Protection Department\\
*1999 Public outreach on volcanic hazards in Iceland, several public events/year\\
*2008 Chair, joint IAVCEI/IACS Commission on Volcano-Ice Interactions\\
*2012 - 2017 Board, GEORG Geothermal Research Group, Iceland\\
*2009 - 2011 NORDFORSK - Panel on Researcher network and Research training courses
__Editorial work - Scientific editor/special issue editor/co-editor__\\
Journal of Glaciology 2005-2008, Annals of Glaciology, 48, 2008, Journal of Geodynamics, 43(1), 2007, Volcanic hazards: 1) Eruptions in the western part of Mýrdalsjökull and Eyjafjallajökull: A risk assessment, 2005, 210 pp; 2) Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes: http://icelandicvolcanos.is 2011-2016; 3) Volcanogenic floods in Iceland, 2015, 164 pp.\\
__Selected International Research Projects__
*EUROVOLC – 2018-2021 EU, H2020. SUSTAIN – 2017 ICDP (one of six co-proponents) – Drilling of Surtsey 2017. FUTUREVOLC 2012-2016 EU FP7: Leader WP7 - Eruption Source Parameters. NEMOH\\
*2012-2016 Marie Curie, EU FP7: Supervisory Board. VOLUME 2005-2008 EU FP6.\\
__Professional societies__\\
AGU, EGU, IAVCEI, Int. Glaciol. Soc., Geosc. Soc. Iceland, Iceland Glaciol. Soc., Societas Scientarium Islandica.\\
[http://notendur.hi.is/~mtg] March 2019: about 115 reviewed publications. 
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__Google Scholar March 2019:__\\
H-index: 38, Citations: 4253. Highly cited publications in Web of Science: 4.\\ \\