!!Jonathan Ginzburg - Curriculum Vitae
__Academic Qualifications__
*Habilitation á diriger des recherches, Université Paris 7 (2003)\\
*Ph.D. in Linguistics, Stanford University (1987 - 1992)\\
*B.S. in Mathematics (Cum Laude), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (1985 - 1987)
__Recent Professional Positions__
*2010 - present Professor (Exceptional Class), UFR d'Études anglophones, Université de Paris et Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, CNRS\\
*2000 - 2010 Senior Lecturer,  Department of Computer Science, King's College, London\\
__Selected Recent Professional and Editorial Activities__
*2007 - present Editorial Board,  Semantics and Pragmatics\\
*2009 - present Co-founder and  Associate Editor,  Dialogue and Discourse\\
*2012 Co-Chair,   The 13th SIGdial Conference on Discourse and Dialogue, Seoul, Korea, July 2012.\\
*2012 Chair, Organizing Committee, the 16th International Workshop on the Formal Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue,  Paris, September 2012\\
*2012 - 2016 Member, Comité National, CNRS, Section 34 (Language Sciences)\\
*2021 - present  (Co-Editor (with Dan Lassiter) Cambridge Elements in Semantics, Cambridge University Press\\
__Selected  Grants__
*Apr 2014 - Oct 2017 Principal Investigator (Paris-Diderot), with David Schlangen (Bielefeld): Disfluencies, Exclamations and Laughter in Dialogue (DUEL), Agence Nationale de la Recherche and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  (€400,000).\\
*Dec 2011 - present Associate, Laboratory of Excellence LabEx-EFL; Coordinator of three projects: DIA: Modelling language in interaction, OLA8: Non sentential utterances in child and adult speech , OLA 14: Laughter in the lifespan\\
*Dec 2002 - Nov 2005 Principal Investigator (with Shalom Lappin)\\
__PROFILE:__ Processing Fragments in Dialogue, UK Economic and Social Research Council, grant number RES-000-23-0065 (£79,000).\\
Number of Postdocs: 4 / PhD: 10 (7 graduated, 4 in progress); PhDs: M. Purver is Professor in Computational Linguistics, Queen Mary, University of London; R. Fernández is Professor, and head of Dialogue Modelling Group, University of Amsterdam, KC Wong is a lecturer at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, C. Mazzocconi is a postdoc at Aix-Marseille University; Postdocs: Y. Tian now at MediaTek Research, Cambridge; S.Chen is at Shanghai International Studies University; Andy Lücking is currently supervised by Ginzburg at LLF.\\
__Number of HDR (habilitations) 3:__ G. Winterstein (PR UQAM), B.Gehrke (Humboldt U), H. Burnett (DR CNRS)\\ \\