!!Manuel García-Carpintero - Curriculum Vitae
__Present Appointment__
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Catedrático (promoted September 2001), Departament de Lògica, Història i Filosofia de la Ciència,\\
Universitat de Barcelona, Montalegre, 6 08001 Barcelona\\
__Visiting Positions__ 
*Visiting scholar, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University 1990-91.\\
*Visiting scholar, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts) 1992.\\
*Visiting scholar, Department of Philosophy, New York University, New York, 1997.\\
*Visiting scholar, Oxford University, 1998.\\
*Chair José Gaos, Instituto de Filosofía, UNAM, Mexico, 1996.
__Academic Qualification__
*Licenciado en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación (≈ B.A.), Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Barcelona, 1979.\\
*Doctor en Filosofía (≈ Ph. D.), Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Barcelona, 9 de febrero de 1988 with the degree apto «cum Laude».\\
__Award and Fellowships__
*Movilidad de Personal Investigador, DGICYT, Gobierno Español, 1990-91.\\
*CIRIT, Generalitat de Catalunya, 1992, EE92/1-105 "Conseqüència lògica en segon ordre i quantificació plural".\\
*CIRIT, Generalitat de Catalunya, 1996, 1996BEAI400399 "The Explanatoriness of Disquotational Truth Theories".\\
*Visiting Research Fellowship, The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, October-December 2000.\\
*Generalitat de Catalunya, 2002, Distinció de la Generalitat de Catalunya per a la Promoció de la Recerca Universitaria, categoría d’investigadors reconeguts (UNI/2120/2002).\\
*ICREA 2008 Acadèmia Prize for excellence in research, funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya.
__Academic Services__
*Associate Editor, Theoria, 1995-2009; member of the editorial board, Theoria, 2009 …; Crítica, 1996- …; Dialectica, 1996-…; Disputatio, 2002- …; Anuari. Revista de Lingüística, 2003- …; Manuscrito, 2011-…; Thought, 2011 …; Linguistics and Philosophy, 2012-… .\\
*Grant reviewing: DGES (Spanish Ministry of Education), CONACIT (Mexican Ministry of Education); the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research; Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique; John Simon Guggeheim Memorial Foundation, USA; Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT), Argentina; FONDECYT, Chile; European Science Foundation; European Research Council; Research Council Norway.\\
*Research projects and grant reviewing: DGI, Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (2001- 2004); ANECA, Spain (2004 - 2011); Chairman, Humanities Committee, AQU, DURSI, Generalitat de Catalunya (2003 - 2006); Advanced Grants Panel SH4, ERC (2011-. …); Comisión de Humanidades, UNIBASQ, Basque Country (2011-…)\\
*Academic Societies: member of the steering committee, European Society for Analytic Philosophy (1996-1999); European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (1996-1999); member of the advisory board, European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (1999-… ).\\
*Organizer or co-organizer of at least one workshop or international conference since 1993. \\
*Ph. D. external examiner for 23 doctoral dissertations.\\
*Advisor for 13 doctoral dissertations, all of them with the highest mark.\\
*Mentor for 5 post-doctoral level early career researchers.\\
__Major Research Grants__
*Principal Investigator, CURE SGR01-0018 (37.800€), LOGOS Grup de Recerca en Lògica, Llenguatge i Cognició, 2001-2004.\\
*Principal Investigator, ESF-Eurocores, OMLL (MEHC) (CRP 01-JA13) (78.000€), Mindreading and the emergence of communication: the case of reference, 2003-2006.\\
*Researcher, DGI BFF2003-08335-C03-03 (39.400€), Verdad en contextos especiales, principal investigator Josep Macià, 2003-2006.\\
*Principal Investigator, DGI HUM2004-05609-C02-01/FISO (38.000€), Los límites del minimismo ontológico: Dependencia ontológica, 2004-2007.\\
*Principal Investigator, DGI C-Consolider HUM2006-08236 (200.134€), LOGOS - Grup de Recerca en Lògica, Llenguatge i Cognició, 2006-2011.\\
__Funding ID__
*Researcher, EC ITN Marie Curie FP7-23812 (1.465.432,00€), PETAF: Perspectival Thoughts and Facts, 2009-2013 (PI in the original application).\\
*Principal Investigator, SDGI Consolider CSD2009-00056 (2.000.000€), Pensamientos y Hechos en Perspectiva, 2009-2014.\\
*Principal Investigator, DGI FFI2010-16049 (152.339€), La naturaleza de la aseveración: consecuencias para el relativismo y el ficcionalismo, 2011-2014.