!!!Antonio García-Bellido
[{Image src='FOTO_AGB_OFICIAL_2014.jpg' caption='' height='200' alt='Antonio García-Bellido'}]%%
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*1981 - 2013 Director the Laboratory of Developmental Genetic, Center of Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa
*1974 - 1981 Research Professor at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1984 Principe de Asturias de Investigación Científica, Spain
*1986 Leopold Mayer de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris, France
*1995 Santiago Ramón y Cajal National Prize for Scientific Research, Spain
*1996 Severo Ochoa Chair in Biology, Section: Research abroad, Spain
*1998 Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Research Prize, Spain
*1998 Rey Jaime I Research Medal, Valencia, Spain
*2005 Encomienda con Placa de la Orden Civil de Alfonso X el Sabio
*[Premio México de Ciencia y Tecnología (2006)|Dialnet-EntrevistaAlDoctorGarciaBellidoPremioMexicoDeCienc-2521814.pdf]
*[2012 Developmental Biology-SDB Lifetime Achievement Award|http://www.sdbonline.org/sites/SDBe-news/Summer2012/garcia-bellido.html]
**1984 Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisícas y Naturales, Spain
**1985 Foreign Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, USA
**1986 Foreign Member, Royal Society, London
**1987 Foreign Member, Nat. Acad. of Sciences USA, Washington, DC
**1988 Founder Member, Academia Europaea
**1995 Foreign Member, Nat. Acad. of Sciences of France
*2004 European Academy of Sciences
*Honorary Degrees: 
**1990 Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow
**1996 University of La Coruña, Spain
**1996 University of Barcelona, Spain
**1997 University of Oviedo, Spain
**1998 University of Salamanca, Spain
**2001 University of Elche, Alicante, Spain
**[University of Malaga|http://www.uma.es/sala-de-prensa/noticias/el-genetista-antonio-garcia-bellido-nuevo-doctor-honoris-causa-por-la-universidad-de-malaga]

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/García-Bellido_Antonio/CV]
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[Publication list|User/García-Bellido_Antonio/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/García-Bellido_Antonio/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/García-Bellido_Antonio/OtherInformation]

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