!!Alexandre François - Curriculum Vitae
*2015–  Directeur de Recherches, tenured position, CNRS. Dept LaCiTO (2015-18), dept LaTTiCe (2018–)\\
*2015 – 2018 Head of research unit LaCiTO-CNRS\\
*2015, 2016  Invited scholar, Max-Planck Institut für Menschheitsgeschichte, Jena (Germany)\\
*2012–  Honorary Associate Professor, Linguistics. ANU, Canberra\\
*2009 – 2012  Visiting Fellow, Linguistics. ANU, Canberra\\
*2002 – 2015  Chargé de Recherches, tenured. CNRS-LaCiTO, Paris\\
*1999 – 2002  Dept lecturer, Linguistics, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
*2014  Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, INALCO, Paris\\
*2001  PhD dissertation, Linguistics, Univ. Paris-IV Sorbonne. (Domain:  Oceanic linguistics.)\\
*1994 - 1995  Agrégation de Grammaire, national rank #1. \\
*1992 - 1994  Licence (BA) & Masters in Classical languages, Paris-IV Sorbonne\\
*1992 - 1994  Licence (BA), Linguistics (elective: African linguistics) + MA thesis, Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle\\
*1992 - 1998  École Normale Supérieure (4 years), Classics section, national rank #4
*2014 “Prime d’Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche”, CNRS\\
*2004 “Médaille de Bronze” of CNRS, Linguistics section
*2017–18 PI, “Legacy Material Grants”, ELDP, SOAS, London. “Legacy audio video archival in 14 languages of the world” \\
*2004–07 PI, ANR grant for Junior Researchers (80 k€). Verbal art and ethnomusicology in Vanuatu\\
*1999-2002  Allocation de Recherches (PhD grant, Ministère de la Recherche), coupled with tutoring and lecturing in linguistics, at Université Paris-3 Sorbonne nouvelle
\\ \\
Classes taught in various universities of Paris; at ANU, Canberra (2011);  at LSA summer institute, Boulder (2011); at various Summer schools.\\
*Convenor of 7 research groups since 2010 (Paris; Canberra)\\
*Main convenor of the Summer school on Typology, CNRS, 2014\\
*Main convenor of several international conferences:  ICAL11 (2009, Paris); Vanuatu languages (2011, Canberra); LACITO (2016, Paris); APLL9 (2017, Paris)\\
*Member of Scientific Committees for 12 international conferences since 2011\\
*Member of Editorial advisory boards for 3 journals or series (“Studies in Diversity Linguistics” (LangSci Press); Open Linguistics; Oceanic Linguistics)\\
*In Vanuatu: 1997–2002 : language Mwotlap ; 2003–07: Banks islands (14 lgs); 2005–11:  Torres islands (2 lgs)\\
*Solomon Islands: 2005–07 Vanikoro (4 languages)\\
*15 books for educational purposes in several vernacular languages of Vanuatu & Solomons.\\
*Online bilingual dictionaries for communities (Mwotlap, Teanu). See http://alex.francois.online.fr/\\ \\