!!!Jaakko Frösén
[{Image src='Jaakko Frösén.jpg' caption='' heigth='200' alt='Jaakko Frösén'}]%%
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__Present and Previous Positions__
*Professor Emeritus
*Since 2007 Professor in Greek philology, University of Helsinki
*2006 Senior researcher, Academy of Finland/ University of Helsinki
*1999 - 2005 Professor in Greek philology, University of Helsinki
*1998 - 1999 Senior researcher, Academy of Finland/ University of Helsinki
*1995 - 1998 Academy professor, Academy of Finland
*1993 - 1994 Research professor, Academy of Finland
*1992 - 1993 Senior researcher (Grant), Academy of Finland
*1988 - 1992 Director of the Finnish Institute at Athens
*1985 Professor in Greek language and literature (substitute), Helsinki University
*1982 - 1985, 1986 - 1988 Senior research fellow, Academy of Finland 
*1981 Junior research fellow, Academy of Finland
*1977 - 1981 Assistant in Greek language and literature, Helsinki University
*1977 Secretary general, Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Sciences and Letters
*1976 Assistant professor in classical philology (substitute), Turku University
*1974 - 1976 Assistant in Greek literature, Helsinki University
*1971 - 1973 Lecturer in classical philology, Turku University
*1970 - 1971 Military service (second lieutenant)
*1970 Assistant in Roman literature (half-time), Helsinki University
*1969 Lecturer in Latin language (substitute), Oulu University
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 1984 - 1985 Research grant of the Alexander von Humboldt -Stiftung, Cologne University
*1995 The Reader's Digest, Finland – 50-years' anniversary research award
*1995 The Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities' award for saving the Petra papyri
* 1997 - 1999 Emil Aaltonen Foundation - 100-years' anniversary research grant
*1999 Helsingin I normaalikoulu - the 'Norssi'
*2000 - 2005 The Academy of Finland - The Center of Excellence in Research 'Ancient and Medieval Greek Documents, Archives and Libraries' 
*2001 Tieteentekijöiden liitto - The Researcher of the year
*2002 Jenny ja Antti Wihurin Rahasto / Foundation - The Honorary Award
*2004 The City of Helsinki - The Research Award
* 2006 - 2011 The Academy of Finland - The Center of Excellence in Research 'Ancient Greek Written Sources'
*2008 Budge for merit of the State of Finland (valtion virka-ansiomerkki XXX)
**2002 Knight Commanders' Cross of the Order of the Lion in Finland
**1994 Knight's Cross I of the Order of the White Rose in Finland
**2000 Cross II of Saint Apostle and Evangelist Marc in the Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Frösén_Jaakko/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Frösén_Jaakko/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Frösén_Jaakko/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Frösén_Jaakko/OtherInformation]

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