!!Gereon Fink - Selected Publications
As of December 15th 2021: Google scholar h-index 129, citations 73876, i10-index 551; since 2016: h-index 82, citations 31100, i10-index 464\\
Blaschke SJ, Hensel L, Minassian A, Vlachakis S, Tscherpel C, Vay SU, Rabenstein M, Schroeter M, Fink GR, Hoehn M, Grefkes C, Rueger MA. Translating Functional Connectivity After Stroke: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Detects Comparable Network Changes in Mice and Humans. Stroke, 52(9):2948-2960, 2021\\
Bonkhoff AK, Espinoza FA, Gazula H, Vergara VM, Hensel L, Michely J, Paul T, Rehme A, Volz LJ, Fink GR, Calhoun VD, Grefkes C. Acute ischemic stroke alters the brain's preference for distinct dynamic connectivity states. Brain, 143:1525-1540, 2020\\
Richter N, Beckers N, Onur OA, Dietlein M, Tittgemeyer M, Kracht L, Neumaier B, Fink GR, Kukolja J. Effect of cholinergic treatment depends on cholinergic integrity in early Alzheimer’s disease. Brain 141 (3): 903 - 915, 2018\\
Hoenig MC, Bischof GN, Seemiller J, Hammes J, Kukolja J, Onur OA, Jessen F, Fliessbach F, Neumaier B, Fink GR, van Eimeren T, Drzezga A. Networks of tau distribution in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain, 141(2): 568-581, 2018\\
Fink GR, Grefkes C, Weiss PH. New hope for ameliorating stroke-induced deficits? Brain, 139(Pt 4):1002-4, 2016\\
Michely J, Volz LJ, Barbe MT, Hoffstaedter F, Viswanathan S, Timmermann L, Eickhoff SB, Fink GR, Grefkes C. Dopaminergic modulation of motor network dynamics in Parkinson's disease. Brain, 138(Pt 3):664-78, 2015\\
Grefkes C, Fink GR. Connectivity-based approaches in stroke and recovery of function. Lancet Neurol, 13(2):206-16, 2014 \\
Schuepbach WM, Rau J, Knudsen K, Volkmann J, Krack P, Timmermann L, Hälbig TD, Hesekamp H, Navarro SM, Meier N, Falk D, Mehdorn M, Paschen S, Maarouf M, Barbe MT, Fink GR, Kupsch A, Gruber D, Schneider GH, Seigneuret E, Kistner A, Chaynes P, Ory-Magne F, Brefel Courbon C, Vesper J, Schnitzler A, Wojtecki L, Houeto JL, Bataille B, Maltête D, Damier P, Raoul S, Sixel-Doering F, Hellwig D, Gharabaghi A, Krüger R, Pinsker MO, Amtage F, Régis JM, Witjas T, Thobois S, Mertens P, Kloss M, Hartmann A, Oertel WH, Post B, Speelman H, Agid Y, Schade-Brittinger C, Deuschl G; EARLYSTIM Study Group.Neurostimulation for Parkinson's disease with early motor complications. N Engl J Med 368(7):610-22, 2013\\
Stephan KE, Marshall JC, Friston KJ, Rowe JB, Ritzl A, Zilles K, Fink GR: Lateralized cognitive processes and lateralized task control in the human brain. Science, 301(5631):384-386, 2003\\
Fink GR, Halligan PW, Marshall JC, Frith CD, Frackowiak RSJ, Dolan RJ: Where in the brain does visual attention select the forest and the trees? Nature, 382:626-628, 1996