!!Teresa Fanego - Curriculum Vitae
h-index (WoS, Thomson Reuters): 5\\
h-index (Google Scholar): 14 \\
citations since 2012 (Google Scholar): 243\\
__POSITIVE RESEARCH ASSESSMENTS__ (‘sexenios’) by the Spanish Ministry of Education: six (maximum possible). [[The average number of ‘sexenios’ among Spanish academics working in the field of English Language and Linguistics is 3.]]\\
__DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS SUPERVISED TO DATE:__ 22. Seventeen of the candidate’s tutees hold tenured positions as Full Professors, Associate Professors or Lecturers, at institutions of higher education in Spain and elsewhere.\\
__FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS AS PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:__ 23 (12 from the Spanish National Research Plan).\\
Services to the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE)\\
01/01/2015 - 31/12/2017. Project title: "Exploring gradience and constructionalization in linguistic variation". Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant FFI2014-52188-P). Project in collaboration with teams from KU Leuven and Edinburgh. PI: Teresa Fanego. \\
01/01/2012 - 31/12/2015. Project title: "Nominale en verbale gerundieve constructies in Middel en Laatmodern Engels: een semantische en discursief-functionele analyse". Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (FWO) (grant G0A5412N). PI: Liesbet Heyvaert (KU Leuven). \\
01/06/2010 - 01/06/2012. Project title: "Expansion and tagging of ARCHER 3.2 (A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers)". Funding institution: British Academy, UK (grant SG-101087). Principal Investigator: David Denison, University of Manchester. \\
01/10/2007 - 30/09/2012. Project title: "Variación, cambio lingüístico y gramaticalización III". Funding institution: Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation (CONSOLIDER grant HUM2007-60706). PI: Teresa Fanego. Project in collaboration with teams from KU Leuven (Belgium) and U. Bamberg (Germany).\\
01/05/2010 onwards: member of LingNet Europe (Network of Centres for Linguistics and Research Groups in Europe). [http://lingnet-europe.org]\\
01/05/2009 onwards: member of the ARCHER International Consortium for Corpus Linguistics.  \\