!!Margaret Esiri - Curriculum Vitae
Qualifications: BA Oxon, Physiology, 1st Class 1963 BM, BCh, Oxon 1967 BSc, Oxon 1969 DM, Oxon 1975 MRCPath 1976, FRCPath 1988   (In Histopathology, slanted to Neuropathology).\\
__Undergraduate Education:__
*1960 - 1963 St Hugh's College, Oxford\\
*Nuffield Exhibition in Medicine\\
*1963 - 1967 Oxford Clinical Medical School
__Teaching Experience:__
\\ \\
Lectures and tutorials for clinical medical students in Oxford Pathology Course 1971-2007, in Histopathology and Neuropathology.  Regular seminars for clinical medical students, on Neurology attachment, in Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology 1971-2, 1976-2007, occasionally to present.\\
Regular Neuropathological Demonstrations for postgraduates in Neurology, Neurosurgery and Histopathology 1971-2, 1976-present.  Contributed to yearly Oxford Postgraduate Neuroscience Course 1980-3.\\
Visiting Professor, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong, March 1999.\\
Visiting Professor, Department of Neurology, New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, USA, June 2003.\\
Conducted viva voce examinations with clinical medical students in Histopathology regularly 1976-95.\\
Conducted interviews with medical applicants to St Hugh's College, Oxford 1980-c.90.\\
Supervisor for PhD (CNAA) (1), Oxford MSc (2), and Oxford DPhil (9) completed degree students.\\
Supervisor on numerous projects undertaken by final year Oxford Physiology students and Neuroscience MSc students (Oxford and London Universities).\\
Examiner of many MSc and DPhil theses, Oxford and other UK universities, and one each in Finland and Sweden.  \\
Total publications and articles accepted for publication:  412 \\
Of which:  Original, refereed papers  327\\
Books and invited contributions       62\\
Letters      23\\
 Total     412\\
Member British Neuropathological Society\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mesiri}][{ALLOW upload mesiri}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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