!!Thomas Elmqvist - Curriculum Vitae
*Master of Science, University of Umeå, 1981\\
*PhD, University of Umeå,  1987\\
*Docent, University of Umeå, 1992
My research is focused on urbanization, biodiversity, ecosystem dynamics, land use change, natural disturbances and components of resilience including the role of social institutions. I am coordinating several major international interdiciplinary research projects as part of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. I coordinated research projects as part of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and was a coordinating lead author with the TEEB project (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) and with CBD “Cities and Biodiversity Outlook” and the Future Earth project “Urban Planet” (www.cambridge.org)\\
I have published over 120 papers, 40 books and book chapters and have an h-index of 56 (ISI, WoS) and 81 (GS). No of citations: WoS: 18299, GS:  42476\\
__Student supervision__\\
I have supervised nine students to complete their PhDs, Ulla Carlsson-Granér (1994), Tor-Mikael Pettersson (1999) Maria Tengö (2004), Jakob Lundberg (2006) Erik Andersson (2007) Henrik Ernstson (2008), Magnus Tuvendal (2012), Johannes Langemayer (2016) Julie Goodness (2018). I have supervised approx. 20 MSc-theses during the last 5 years.\\
__Editorial responsibilities__\\
I have founded and currently serve as Editor in chief for the new Nature Research journal npj Urban Sustainability, and as associated editor for the journals Sustainability Science and Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.\\
I have previously served as associated editor for: \\
Biotropica 2002 -2010, Conservation and Society 2005 – 2012, Ecology and Society 2002-2019,  Ambio 2010 –2012, Ecosystem Services 2012-2016, Global Sustainability 2017-2019.\\
__Serving on Research Councils__\\
I have in the past been chairing and been member of many research council panels in Sweden (Formas, VR and SIDA) as well as multiple panels at DG Research & Innovation (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe). I am currently chairing the Research Advisory Council of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and member of the SH7 panel for evaluation of ERC starting grants.\\
__Science-Policy Processes__\\
Within the European Union I was active member of DG Research and Innovation, Expert Committee on Nature-based solutions 2014-2015 and co-authored the report “ Towards an EU research and innovation policy agenda for nature-based solutions & re-naturing cities”\\
Since 2017 I am permanent Member of the High Level Group on Policy and Innovation – European Council,( https://www.highlevelgroup.eu/innovation-policy-management) Contributing with input into the processes of biosphere economy policy development.\\
Since 2020 I have been co-director of the Environment Program of EASAC\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit telmqvist}][{ALLOW upload telmqvist}][{ALLOW comment All}]