!!Thomas Efferth - Selected Publications
800+ PubMed-listed publications, Hirsch factor: 103, total number of citations 56,000+ (according to Google Scholar)\\
Damiescu R, Banerjee M, Paul NW, Efferth T. Lessons from COVID-19 to increase opioid vaccine acceptance. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 2022;43:998-1000 (impact factor:17.6)\\
Efferth T, Oesch F. Anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities of frankincense: Targets, treatments and toxicities. Seminars in Cancer Biology 2022;80:39-57 (impact factor 17.0)\\
Efferth T, Oesch. Repurposing of plant alkaloids for cancer therapy: Pharmacology and toxicology. Seminars in Cancer Biology 2021;68:143-163 (impact factor 17.0)\\
Efferth T, Oesch F. The immunosuppressive activity of artemisinin-type drugs towards inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Medicinal Research Reviews 2021;41:3023-3061 (impact factor: 12.3)\\
Lu X, Efferth T. Repurposing of artemisinin-type drugs for the treatment of acute leukemia. Seminars in Cancer Biology 2021;68:291-312.\\
Elbadawi M, Efferth T. Organoids of human airways to study infectivity and cytopathy of SARS-CoV-2. Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2020;8:e55-e56 (impact factor: 102.6)\\
Kadioglu O, Saeed MEM, Greten HJ, Mayr K, Schrama D, Ross WP, Efferth T. Identification of potential inhibitors targeting BRAF-V600E mutant melanoma cells. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2020;84:1086-9 (impact factor: 15.4)\\
Efferth T, Saeed MEM, Kadioglu O, Seo EJ, Shirooie S, Mbaveng AT, Nabavi SM, Kuete C. Collateral sensitivity of natural products in drug-resistant cancer cells. Biotechnology Advances 2020;38:107342 (impact factor: 17.6)\\
Efferth T. Beyond malaria: The inhibition of viruses by artemisinin-type compounds. Biotechnology Advances 2018;36:1730-7 (impact factor: 17.6)\\
Efferth T. From ancient herb to modern drug: Artemisia annua and artemisinin for cancer therapy. Seminars in Cancer Biology 2017;46:65-83 (impact factor: 17.0)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit tefferth}][{ALLOW upload tefferth}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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