!!Saso Dzeroski - Curriculum Vitae
__EDUCATION__ (All degrees in Computer Science from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia):
*1995 - PhD [[Youngest PhD in Comp. Science in Slovenia at the time of graduation.]];\\
*1991 - MSc; 1989 - BSc\\
*2020 - present: Department head, Scientific councillor. Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute
__RESEARCH PROJECTS__, funded by the EU (selected; current in 2016):
*FP7 MAESTRA (Learning from Massive, Incompletely annotated, and Structured Data). Coordinator. 2014-2017, FET Open Xtrack Call (ranked 1st of 318 proposals,  8 funded).\\
*FP7 HBP (Human Brain Project), SARSCARUB Subproject (Scalable algorithms for rule-based clustering of heterogeneous data). 2014-2016, FET Flagship (subproject ranked 1st of 87 proposals for the topic 5 of the HBP open call, 2 funded)\\
*H2020 LANDMARK (LAND Management: Assessment, Research, Knowledge base). 2015-2019
*ECML / PKDD 2017, 28th European conference on Machine Learning and 21st European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases\\
*ICML 2005, 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning\\
*ICML 1999, 16th International Conference on Machine Learning
__PROGRAM CHAIR__, selected:
*DS 2014, 17th International Conference on Discovery Science\\
*MLSB 2010/2009, 4th/3rd International Workshop on Machine learning in systems biology \\
*ECEM 2004, 4th European Conference on Ecological Modelling\\
*ILP 99/97, 9th/7th International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming\\
*Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, IF 0.632 (since 2014)\\
*Ecological Modelling, IF 2.326 (since 2007)\\
*ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery in Data, IF 1.147 (since 2005)\\
*Ecological Informatics, IF 1.98 (since 2004)\\
*Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, IF 0.904 (2002-2005)\\
*Machine Learning, IF 1.689  (since 2002)\\
*Journal of Machine Learning Research, IF 2.852 (since 2000)\\
*Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, IF 1.743 (since 1997)