!!Helge Julius Jakhelln Dyvik - Curriculum Vitae
*1981: Dr. philos., Theoretical Linguistics, University of Bergen\\
*1979, 1980: Exams in Vietnamese and Cantonese, University of Bergen\\
*1976: Mag. art., Scandinavian Linguistics, University of Bergen\\
*1973: Exams in Old and Middle English language and literature, University of Durham.\\
*1972: Cand. mag. (approx. = B.A.), University of Bergen. Subjects: phonetics, English language and literature, Scandinavian (mainly Norwegian) language and literature\\
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Helge Dyvik has done research on the following topics: Old Norse and Old English phonology (umlaut and breaking), Old Norse syntax (passive; the development of articles), syntactic theory, foundational problems in linguistics, runology (interpretation of runic inscriptions), Vietnamese syntax (classifiers; the topic category), computational linguistics (automatic syntactic analysis, sentence generation, computational grammar development, machine translation), semantics (the relationship between semantics and translation), language variation (statistical correspondence analysis of inflectional variants in written Norwegian). He developed an experimental system for machine translation (PONS) during the late eighties and early nineties, initiated Norwegian participation in the international Parallel Grammar (ParGram) project in 1999 and led the development of the Norwegian ParGram grammar, led the Bergen-based project 'From parallel corpus to wordnet' (2001-2004) in which the 'Semantic Mirrors' method for deriving semantic information from translations was developed, led the Bergen group participating in the LOGON project (2003-2007), concerned with semantic transfer-based machine translation between Norwegian and English, and participates as grammar developer in the INESS project for the development and hosting of treebanks.\\
*2011-: Member of the board for Nansenfondet og de dermed forbundne fond at Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi.\\
*2008-: Member of the Advisory Committee (styringsgruppen) for Det Norske Akademis store ordbok [[The Large Dictionary of The Norwegian Academy for Language and Literature]\\
*2007-2014: Member of Fagråd for normering og språkobservasjon [[Expert Committee for Standardization and Language Observation] under Språkrådet [[The Norwegian Language Council, chair until 2013.\\
*2000-2005: Member of the Programme Committee for the research programme on language technology under the Nordic Council of Ministers. Chair from 2002.\\
*2000-2005: Member of Norsk Språkråd [[The Norwegian Language Council]; member of its 'Fagnemnd' (expert committee).