!! Ryszard Domanski - selected publications
__List of selected books:__
*Space economy (in Polish), Scientific Publishers PWN, Warszawa 1990; 2rd ed. 1993; 3rd ed. 1995,
*Ecological-economic systems (in Polish), Polish Academy of Sciences, Studia KPZK PAN, vol. C, Warszawa, 1992,
*The spatial transformation of the economy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Studia Regionalia, vol. 7, Warszawa 1998,
*The innovative city, University of Economics in Poznan, 2001,
*Economic geography: Dynamic approach (in Russian), Novyj Chronograf, Moscow 2010.
__List of selected articles:__
*Structure, law of motion and optimal path of growth of complex urban systems, Economic Geography, January 1973, s. 37-46
*Elements of the theory of processes in urban settlement system, Papers of the Regional Science Association, 1976, t. XXXVI, s. 87-100
*Accessibility, efficiency, and spatial organization, Environment and Planning, 1979, t. 11, s. 1189-1206
*Self-organisation in dynamic settlement systems (współautor A.P. Wierzbicki), Papers of the Regional Science Association, 1983, t. LI, s. 141-160
*The problem of joint optimization of transport and urban systems, (in:) G. Konno, Y. Okano (eds.), Papers of the Fourth International Transport Conference, Tokio, 1986, s. 219-251
*Differentiation and fluctuation in the economies of regions, (in:) Space, structure, economy: a tribute to August Lösch: edited to mark the centenary of August Lösch's birthday, U. Blum, R.H. Funck, J.S. Kowalski, A. Kukliński, W. Rothengatter (red.), Nomos, Baden-Baden, October 15, 2007, s. 335-352