!!Hamida Demirdache - Curriculum Vitae
__Current positions__
*2008 Full Professor, Nantes University \\
*2022 Director, LLING Lab, UMR 6310-Nantes U./CNRS\\
__Academic Qualifications__
*1991 Ph.D. MIT\\
*2003 «Habilitation à diriger des recherches», Nantes U.
__(Inter)national Service (ongoing)__
*2022 Scientific Advisory Board, The Van Riemsdijk Foundation\\
*2021 Strategic Orientation Board, Carnot Cognition Institute \\
*2015 Board of directors, Nantes Institute of Advanced Studies
__Short positions/courses__
*2019 Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, LOT Winter School, Amsterdam \\
*2019 LIA (Laboratoire International Associé) RoGraV Crash Course, CNRS & Romanian Academy, Bucharest \\
*2012 Invited Professor («Syntax Guru »), Department of Linguistics University of Massachusetts at Amherst\\
*2012 Winter Linguistics School Doctoral Program in Linguistics of the Universities of Western Switzerland Champéry\\
*2011 CCiL Master in Linguistics Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona\\
*2009 Eastern Generative Grammar Summer School Poznan\\
*2007 Ecole d'Automne de Linguistique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure \\
*2004 Ecole d'Automne de Linguistique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure \\
*2000 Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, LOT summer school Utrecht \\
*1999 XX Cursos Europeos Universidad del País Vasco San Sebastian\\
*1994 XV Cursos Europeos Universidad del País Vasco San Sebastian
__Journals__ \\
Anthropological Linguistics. Canadian Journal of Linguistics. Journal of the Linguistic Society of America. Language Acquisition. Lingua. Glossa. Linguistics. Linguistic Inquiry. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes. Syntax. Others.\\
__Books series__ \\
Linguistische Arbeiten. Linguistic Variation Year Book. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics.  Studies in Natural Language & Linguistic theory. Others.\\
__Research Funding Agencies__ \\
Austrian Science Fund (Elise Richter Program), CNRS, French Evaluation Agency for Research & Higher Education (AERES/HCERES), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Israel Science Foundation, National Science Foundation, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada\\
*Doctoral theses: 7 co-supervised at UBC, 15 chaired Nantes (including 3 double Ph.Ds), 5 ongoing (4 double Ph.Ds)\\
*Master 2 theses: 27 Nantes, 4 UBC\\
*Master 1 theses: 27 Nantes\\
*Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR): 3\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit hdemirdache}][{ALLOW upload hdemirdache}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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