!!Norbert Corver - Curriculum Vitae
*2001 - present Professor of Dutch linguistics, Department of Languages, Literature and Communication, Utrecht University\\
*2018 - 2019 (Spring term), Visiting Professor at the Department of Linguistics, at University of Connecticut (UConn), USA \\
*1990 - 2000 Assistant professor, Faculty of Arts, Tilburg University
*1985 - 1990 PhD, Tilburg University, The Netherlands PhD, Tilburg University, The Netherlands\\
*1981 - 1985 MA, BA in Linguistics, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
__Research projects:__
*2005 - 2010 PI, The Noun Phrase: Diversity in Dutch Design and the Design of Diversity (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research)\\
*2013 - 2017 PI, The Syntax of Idioms (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research); in collaboration with HU Brussels, PI: professor Jeroen van Craenenbroeck (Research Foundation Flanders)\\
*2014 - 2019 Member management team & team leader Regional languages, Advancing the European Multilingual Experience, large scale FP7 collaboration grant (European Commission)\\
*2021 - 2025 PI, Mind your Manner Adverbials (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research)
__Book series editor:__
*2014 - present Studies in Generative Grammar (SGG), Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin/New York\\
*2020 - present Comprehensive Grammar Resources, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam
__Commission of Trust:__
*2007 - 2008 Member, Toptalent committee, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research\\
*2010 - 2017 Member, Research council for Humanities, Royal Academy of Dutch Sciences \\
*2018 - 2021 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Division ‘Social Sciences and Humanities’, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research\\
__Other functions:__
*2005 - 2009 & 2017 - 2021 Head of the Dutch department, Utrecht university\\
*2013 - 2018 Director Masterlanguage; national, inter-university MA-education program \\
*2021 - present Chairperson, The Van Riemsdijk Foundation \\
__Honours & awards:__
*1997 Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, 1996-1997\\
*1988, 2009, 2016 Visiting Scholar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy\\ \\