!!Lucia Corrain - Curriculum Vitae
__Research interests:__ 
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Modalities of reception of the artistic text, the mechanism of signification of the art work and the staging of passions. Present research focus: past and present in the artistic production. \\
2017 Enabled to the function of first level professor (ASN bando d.d. 1532/2016 competition sector 10/b1 Storia dell’arte). \\
__Scientific activit:__
*2003 to 2005 scientific manager of the research project L’hétérogénéité du visuel. Syncrétismes, synesthésies, multimodalité, connotations et méta-sémiotiques, Université de Limoges /  Université de Louvain / Iuav of Venice.\\
*2006 to 2008 scientific manager of the research project Images et dispositifs de visualisation scientifique. Nouvelles images, nouvelle pratiques, Université de Limoges /  Université de Louvain /  Iuav of Venice.\\
*2006 to 2009  scientific manager of the Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)  « Il disegno sottostante alla pittura nel Veneto e in Emilia » (The drawing underlying painting in Veneto and Emilia).\\
*2008 to 2012 part in the Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) research programme  « Architecture and local identities: hegemonic centres, peripheries, ‘fines’. From architectures and the antique to the courts, from the architectural literature to the literary writings, constitution of a tradition of conservation ».\\
__Membership of scientific and editorial committee:__
*1995 to 1998 general secretary of the AISV/IASV, Association Internationale de Sémiotique Visuelle/International Association Visual Semiotic.\\
*1996 to 2004 member of the International Board of the journal Visio. Revue international de sémiotique visuelle.\\
*2004 - 2014 member of the scientific committee of the journal Visible (Centre de recherches sémiotiques - Université de Limoges), Presses Universitaires de Limoges.\\
*Since 2010 member of the scientific committee of the journal Il capitale culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage.\\
*Since 2012 member of the scientific committee of the journal Carte semiotiche. Rivista internazionale di Semiotica e Teoria dell’Immagine.\\
*Since 2012 member of the scientific committee of the series “I libri di Omar”, published by La Casa Usher di Firenze.\\
*Since 2018 member of the scientific committee of the series “DAR - Dipartimento delle Arti”, Bologna, Bononia University Press.\\ \\