!!Tina Comes - Curriculum Vitae
*Since 2012, she has acquired projects and grants totaling to a budget of 9.6 million Euros. \\
*2020 - 2026 PI Resilient Systems, funded by NL Ministry of Defense \\
*2020 - 2023 PI H2020  HERoS, SC1-PHP-CORONAVIRUS-2020. \\
*2020 - 2022 PI Climate Resilient Urban Infrastracture, funded by  city of Amsterdam. \\
*2020 - 2021 PI for the Project WASH First, funded by Simavi.\\
*2019 - 2021 PI OER Program Urban Resilience, funded by OCW\\
*2019 - 2021 LEaD fellowship Multilevel Governance for Urban Resilience, Marie-Curie Co-Fund\\
*2016 - 2019  Coordinator H2020  iTRACK, BES-10-2015. Comments final review: "“[[p]roject has delivered exceptional results with significant immediate or potential impact. The work addresses important social and humanitarian needs." *2016 - 2019  PI Resilience H2020  COMRADES: Collective Platform for Community Resilience, ICT-10-2015. Comments final review  “Excellency has been reached”; “Implementation overpasses the expected impact”\\
*2015 - 2018 Scientific Coordinator H2020 Project Smart Mature Resilience, DRS-07-2014
*Many of her PhDs & Postdocs pursue academic careers or have been awarded with prestigious awards\\
*2017 - 2022 Postdocs/6 PhDs (current): TU Delft, NL. Fellowship of the GDRR (2019); CDRI fellowship (2021)\\
*2013 - 2020 3 Postdocs/3 PhDs, UiA/NO. Best PhD Thesis Award HumLog Institute, FI\\
*2014 - 2018 1 PhD. Business Engineering, Université Toulouse, F
*2017 MSc programs at TUD: Grand Challenges (EPA); Complex Systems (CoSEM)\\
*2015 MSc program Peace Studies: Logistics; Early Warning, Université Dauphine, F\\
*2013 - 2016 MSc program ICT: Decision Support; Research Methods; SCM, UiA/NO\\
*2011 - 2013 MSc & BSc Business Engineering: Risk Management; Decision Support, KIT/DE\\
*Masterclasses for Practice\\
*Supervision of 60+ MScs & BScs\\
*Keynote INSTRI Conference, Stockholm, 06/21 \\
*Keynote KG4SG, UN OICT & Accenture Labs, 05/21\\
*Invited Plenary Panelist Resilient Urban Critical Infrastructures, IEEE PerCOM, 04/21 \\
*Invited Plenary Speaker Urban Climate Resilience, ICDRI, 03/21. 1500+ participants \\
*Opening Keynote TU Delft Week of Resilience, 179th Dies Natalis TU Delft, 01/21\\
*Invited Speaker ACM Mobile HCI Conference 2020, Mobile Technology for Resilience, 10/20\\
*Invited Speaker Panel ‘Für den Notfall vorgesorgt’, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin, 01/20\\ \\