!Highlights of my work and anecdotes
I am author of essays and books in which the main topics are the history of the Italian cultural industry, the social effects of digitalization, the role of generations in society and the history of the Italian Baby Boomers generation. \\ Since the beginning of my scientific career, I have been concerned with the link between digitisation and social change. \\
In my first volume Gli archivi imperfetti (The imperfect archives, Milan, Vita e Pensiero, 1986) I studied the links between the birth of computer archives and social memory. \\ Then I edited the volume Le nuove tecnologie della comunicazione (The new communication tecnologies) with Gianfranco Bettetini (Milan, Bompiani, 1994) and La digitalizzazione dei media (The digitisation of media, Rome, Carocci, 2007).\\ Later, I was involved in the studies of the critical analysis of the net, both with the volume Il potere socievole (Social power) and History and criticism of social media (Milan, Mondadori, 2013), both containing several essays in English and French on trolling, data control and privacy challenges.\\ I am very interested in studying the link between the phenomena of digitalization and generational membership or age group, also through empirical investigation, using surveys and qualitative methodologies.\\ Another recent publication is New elders, Old divides: icts, Inequalities and Well being among Young Elderly Italians with Piermarco Aroldi and Simone Carlo (Comunicar, 2015). \\ I most recently examined the theme of discourse analysis, with applications to the role of photography and the dissemination of images online in the volume Imago pietatis. Investigation into photography and compassion (Milan, Vita e Pensiero, 2018).