!!Philippe Ciais - Curriculum vitae
*1986-1989 Graduate Studies at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
**Bachelor degree in Physics
**Master degree in Solid State Physics
*1988-1991 PhD in Paleoclimate Studies at Laboratoire de GĂ©ochimie Isotopique, Saclay, France
**"Reconstructions of the Past 15000 years Climate Based on Isotope Records from Coastal and Deep Ice Cores in Antartica" University Paris VI ; Summa cum laude
*1992-1994 Post-Doctorate Fellowship in Atmospheric Sciences, Boulder, USA
**NOAA-CMDL ; Modeling of 13C and 18O isotopes in atmospheric CO2 to constrain surface fluxes of CO2
*1994-2003 Scientist at Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, France
**1994 Research Scientist
**1998 Carbon Cycle group leader (staff 20)
**2001 Biogeochemical Cycles Department leader (staff 100)
**2006 Associate director (staff 300)
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