!!Jérôme Chave - Curriculum Vitae
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1999  PhD in physics. Université Paris-XI, Orsay.  Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Saclay. \\
1995 Ecole Centrale de Paris, Châtenay-Malabry. \\
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Since 2011 Team leader of the group ‘Dynamique ecologique et évolutive des populations’ (22 faculty and staff) in the Research Unit EDB (40 staff)\\
2008-2011  Professeur chargé de cours, Ecole Polytechnique. \\
Since 2008  Directeur de Recherches, CNRS (senior staff researcher)\\
2005  Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. Université Paul Sabatier \\
2001  Chargé de recherche CNRS (CR2). Laboratoire Ecologie Terrestre (junior staff researcher). \\
1999-2000 Post-doctoral fellowship, Princeton University (NJ, USA). Advisors Simon Levin and Stephen Pacala \\
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ERC Consolidator Panel member (2013)\\
Member of the BIOMASS Mission Advisory Group (ESA, 2010-2013)\\
Member of the scientific boards of INRA (départment EFPA), Parc Amazonien de Guyane, and Labex TULIP\\
Member of the editorial board of Ecology Letters (since 2004), PLoS ONE (since 2007), Journal of Theoretical Biology (since 2006), and Population Ecology (since 2008). \\
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2011- LABEX CEBA ‘Center for the study of Biodiversity in Amazonia’ (PI, 12,000,000 € 2011-2020)\\
2011- ANR METABAR ‘Metabarcoding of environmental diversity’ (coPI, 550,000 € 2012-2015; PI: P Taberlet)\\
2007-2010 ANR-Biodiversité BRIDGE (PI, 776,000 €) French Guiana\\
2008-2011 COPAS project (co-PI, 460,000 €) French Guiana\\
2007- Recurrent funding for the Nouragues CNRS field Station (PI 100,000 €/year) French Guiana\\
2010-2012 Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité (PI 40,000 €) Brazil and Bolivia\\
2008-2011 CNRS Amazonie grant (PI 160,000 €) French Guiana\\
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WebOfScience statistics: h-index: 313; 90 publications ; 5653 citations (excluding self -citations) ; 18 publications cited more than 100 times, including 8 as first author. Google Scholar statistics: 9780 citations ; h-index: 46; i10-index: 89