!!Katharine Cashman - Curriculum Vitae
*2014- Axa Endowed Chair of Volcanology, University of Bristol\\
*2011-2014 Axa Research Chair, University of Bristol, UK\\
*2007 Philip H. Knight Distinguished Professor of Natural Sciences\\
*2007-2010 Head, Department of Geological Sciences
__Research interests:__ Volcanology, igneous petrology, crystallization and vesiculation kinetics, lava flow emplacement, geologic hazards\\
__Teaching interests:__ geologic hazards, volcanology, and development of courses that cross the science-humanities divide
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*2003 Distinguished Professor, College of Arts and Sciences\\
*1997 Professor of Geological Sciences\\
*1991-1997 Associate Professor of Geological Sciences, UO\\
*1986-1991 Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences, Princeton University
*1982-1986 Ph.D. Geological Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University\\
*1977-1979 M.Sc. 1st class honors, Victoria University, New Zealand\\
*1972-1976 B.A. Geology/Biology, Middlebury College, VT\\
*2013 Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award\\
*2012    Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences\\
*2009 Elected Fellow, American Geophysical Union (AGU)\\
*2008   Honorary Doctor of Science, Middlebury College\\
*2007   APEX Awards Grand Award for Writing [[awarded to an issue of the Phi Kappa Phi Forum to which I was a contributor]\\
*2006 AGU Volcanology, Geochemistry, Petrology Division Bowen Award\\
*1987 Elected to Sigma Xi\\
*1982 USGS Group Award, Mount St. Helens observation and monitoring\\
*1976 Phi Beta Kappa, Middlebury College\\
*1976 Fulbright Scholarship for study in New Zealand\\
*1976 Charles B. Allen Award for scholarship and athletics\\
*Mineralogical Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2014\\
*Shell Lecture, Geological Society of London, 2012\\
*Keynote speaker, meeting on Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2012\\
*Keynote speaker, William Smith meeting, Geological Society of London, 2011\\
*Keynote speaker, Chapman Conference on the Galapagos, 2011\\
*Keynote speaker, Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Meeting, 2010\\
*Distinguished Lecturer, Mineralogical Society of America, 2010 \\
*Woodford-Eckis Lecturer, Pomona College, 2010\\
*American Geophysical Union Bowen Lecture, 2006\\
*Union speaker, International Union of Geology and Geophysics, Sapporo, Japan, 2003\\
*Keynote speaker, 100th Anniversary of Mont Pelee eruption, Martinique, 2002\\
*Keynote speaker, Geoscience 2000, Manchester, UK, 2000\\
*Invited speaker, Royal Society workshop on the “Causes and Consequences of Andesitic Volcanism”, London, 1999\\
*Keynote speaker, European Union of Geosciences, 1999\\
*Visiting professorship, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, 1993\\
*Visiting professorship, Queens University, Kingston CA, 1991\\
*Guest Editor, Bulletin of Volcanology, special issue on Cerro Galan, Argentina (published online, 2011)\\
*Governance Committee, American Geophysical Union, 2011-present\\
*Nominating Committee, American Geophysical Union, 2009-2010\\
*Guest Editor, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, special issue on Volcanoes and Human History (published 2008)\\
*Advisory Board, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2007- 2008\\
*Scientific Advisory Committee for Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 2006 – 2011\\
*Chair, Committee to review the Earth and Environmental Science Program, Wesleyan University, 2002\\
*President VGP section of American Geophysical Union  2000-2004\\
*Committee of Public Affairs, American Geophysical Union 2000-2002\\
*Guest Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research, special issue on Long Lava Flows (published, 1998)\\
*Associate editor, Journal of Geophysical Research, 1994 - 1996\\
*Meetings Committee, American Geophysical Union,1994-1998 (chair, 1996-1998)\\
*Nominating Committee, Geochemical Society, 1992-1995 (chair, 1995)\\
*Secretary, Volcanology, Geochemistry, Petrology section, American Geophysical Union 1992-1994\\
*Editorial Board, Geology, 1990-1992\\
*Advisory Board, Earth in Space, 1991- 1993\\
*Middlebury College, Science Advisory Committee, 1988\\
*Outside advisor, American Museum of Natural History hiring committee, 1988\\
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Cashman KV  (2006)  Chicken Little Was Right – Sometimes the Sky Does Fall.  Phi Kappa Phi Forum 86:26-31\\
Tech Club Interview – NSF project on gender equity in the Sciences; WAMC Northeast Public Radio, 2003\\
Seismic Seconds – A National Geographic Channel (UK) special on The Eruption of Mount St. Helens, 1999\\
Mount St. Helens Public Information Scientist, US Geological Survey, 1980-1982